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Utah Residency

When you enroll at Weber State University you must provide identification including citizenship information and your address. If you are classified as a nonresident, you must pay nonresident tuition rates, which are typically higher than resident tuition rates.

If you believe you may qualify for resident tuition you must

You will be asked to upload pertinent documentation to this application


The following items are generally required in determining residency reclassification:

  • Utah driver’s license. If you do not have a valid driver’s license from any state and do not drive, you must provide a copy of your Utah ID card. Either must be issued at least 90 days prior to the first day of class of the term for which you are applying. 
  • Utah tax return. If you have filed a state return you need to provide a copy of your Utah tax return.
  • Utah voter registration. Must be issued at least 90 days prior to the first day of class of the term for which you are applying. 
  • Permanent Resident Alien card. This, also known as a green card, will be required if applicable.

Once your application is submitted you can expect to hear from our office within 2 weeks. 

All notifications, requests for documentation, and updates on your status will be sent to your Weber State email account. Check it regularly.


  • You must be a U.S. citizen, Permanent Resident, or have obtained or applied for permanent resident, refugee or asylum status under U.S. Immigration law.
  • You must be admitted to Weber State University.
  • You must not be claimed on federal taxes as a dependent by someone living outside Utah (except active duty military and students using military educational benefits).
  • You must relinquish claims to be a resident in any other state (except active duty military and students using military educational benefits).


Applications must be submitted before the 15th working day of the semester in which a change of residency is requested. All applications submitted after that date will be considered for the following semester.


There are many situations in which you may qualify for residency. Please refer to these options to see what paperwork you will need to submit that applies to your specific situation.


If you are denied residency, to have your residency reviewed.

Get Financial Help


For any eligible student who is assessed nonresident tuition, including undocumented students, international students, and students classified as nonresident during the admission process, a nonresident tuition waiver can help cover the cost of attendance.

Nonresident Tuition Waivers


If you are a non-resident, have no intention of becoming a resident, and are from a Western Undergraduate Exchange state, students can pay 150% of resident tuition, which equates to roughly half of the nonresident tuition. Time spent on the Western Undergraduate Exchange cannot be used toward the 12+ months needed to reside in Utah to become a resident.

Western Undergrad Exchange


100 Mile Nonresident Partial Tuition Reduction.

Alumni Legacy Program


Passed in 2002, this bill allows qualifying undocumented students to pay in-state tuition if they attend a Utah college or university.

HB 144

100 Mile Nonresident Partial Tuition Reduction

Nonresident students living within 100 highway miles of 日本一级片 are eligible to apply for this scholarship, which pays half of the difference between resident and nonresident tuition charges.

100 Mile Tuition Reduction

Contact 日本一级片 Admissions Office: admissions@weber.edu | 801-626-6060