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Prospective Peer Mentors

Apply to be a peer mentor by completing . Please email questions to fye@weber.edu.


Required criteria:

  • Be a full-time 日本一级片 student
  • Have completed one semester at 日本一级片
  • Minimum GPA of 2.5 to remain eligible for activity waivers
  • Be knowledgeable of 日本一级片 services
  • Provide names of two 日本一级片 staff or faculty members as references (not your FYE 1105 instructor or peer mentor)

Preferred criteria:

  • Be nominated by a 日本一级片 instructor (preferably an FYE instructor)
  • Have successfully completed Foundations of College Success (FYE 1105, formerly UNIV 1105)
  • Have completed one academic year at 日本一级片
  • Have at least a 3.0 GPA
  • Not be employed full time


Semesters Mentored Scholarship Dollars Upper-Division Credits
1 $500 2
2 $700 2
3 $1000 0 (but will show on transcript)

*For more information on this scholarship, please see the FYE Tuition Waiver Agreement.


Required Educational Workshops:

  • Attend Fall Kick-off each August
  • Enroll in Peer Mentor Leadership Seminar (FYE 3170). In this upper-division course, you will learn how to effectively communicate with and work with FYE students and FYE instructors
  • Attend optional additional educational workshops (e.g., Academy of Leadership) that FYE can sometimes fund

Peer Mentor Leadership Seminar (FYE 3170):                        

  • Attend each class session
  • Actively participate in class discussions
  • Successfully complete assignments outlined in FYE 3170 syllabus.

To apply what is learned in FYE 3170, attend Foundations of College Success (FYE 1105) and

  • Attend planning meetings with instructor
  • Attend each class session
  • Organize Collaborative Learning Experience (CLE)
  • Present weekly 5-minute announcements
  • Give three or four 10-15 minute presentations
  • Participate in class discussions
  • Assist student in group activities
  • Interact with students outside of class

Peer Mentor Testimonials

Mentoring has really changed me as a person. I love being able to help students succeed in their college journey just as my mentors have helped me. I wouldn't trade it for the whole world! I have learned so much from the amazing students I have had a chance to work with. -Rose Rojo, FYE Peer Mentor, F21

Being a FYE peer mentor provides you with opportunities to make meaningful relationships with professors and students on campus. -Mark Medina, FYE Peer Mentor, F18-SP22

Mentoring is the greatest joy of my life! It is so fulfilling to know that my years of work learning about resources on campus is helping people! -Hannah Olsen, FYE Peer Mentor, F21-SP22

Mentoring helped me learn to leave the world better than I found it. -Gino Moncada, FYE Peer Mentor, F18-F21

Mentoring others in some way specific to them has always been something I try to aim for on a daily basis. Whether it's my first time meeting you or my twentieth time meeting you. Something about being able to help people become more of who they already are is such a rewarding feeling. I can't ever get enough of it. Growing others is how I grow myself. -Abril Rubio, FYE Peer Mentor, F18-SP22