Course Proposals

Proposing a New Gen Ed Course

If you have an existing course for which you would like to seek Gen Ed attributes, or you seek to develop a new course with Gen Ed attributes, including 日本一级片 courses, please follow these instructions.

1) Develop your course syllabus and ensure that it includes the following information (see General Education Syllabus Checklist):

2) Complete Curriculog form 3.1 Gen Ed Attribute Request

  • New courses will also need to submit Curriculog form 1.1 New Course Proposal.
  • These forms require the course syllabus as an attachment.

3) Course proposals must be approved by the Department Chair, College Dean, GEIAC Committee, University Curriculum Committee (UCC), and the Faculty Senate. New 日本一级片 course proposals are also reviewed by the two Gen Ed Area Committees addressed by the course for their adequacy in assessing and achieving the respective ALOs prior to review at GEIAC. It is common practice for course proposals to be reviewed by the GEIAC Chair during the development process to facilitate a successful approval. Questions about this process should be directed to the GEIAC Chair.


4) For inclusion in the next University Catalog, all course proposals must be approved by the UCC at the January meeting and then passed by the Faculty Senate at the February meeting. Because of extensive changes related to program alignment with R470, there is a moratorium for the 2024-25 academic year on all gen ed course proposals.