Program and Area Learning Outcome Assessment

Program Learning Outcomes

There are four Gen Ed program learning outcomes (GELOs). GELOs 2-4 are assessed by examining Signature Assignments (SAs). Under the supervision of the Director of General Education, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, and the Associate Provost, a random selection of SAs is extracted from Canvas, operationalized according to the assessment rubric, and then coded by trained faculty volunteers at a SA Assessment Workshop. For more information, see the 2024 Update on Assessment of General Education ().

Area Learning Outcomes

GELO 1 (Content Knowledge) is comprised of the , which is assessed through the biennial assessment process (this link provides additional information on the process). This link provides information on how faculty can prepare their Gen Ed course for assessment before and at the conclusion of the semester. Trained faculty teams comprised of GEIAC members use the evaluation rubric developed by GEIAC to review the submitted assessment reports and to provide feedback to department chairs. This feedback is included with the Biennial Assessment Report feedback provided by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Annual assessment reports are provided below.

日本一级片 Courses

Effective the 2021-2022 catalog, 日本一级片 courses are a permanent part of the General Education program. 日本一级片 courses are assessed through the two processes outlined above. The two sets of ALOs/GELO 1 (e.g., SS and HU) are assessed through the biennial assessment process and GELOs 2-4 are assessed through the SA assessment process. Assessment data are provided with the annual GEIAC assessment report.

Gen Ed Assessment Templates

The Biennial Assessment Review template and the assessment rubrics can be downloaded from the Institutional Effectiveness Checklists and Templates page.

Annual Assessment Findings

GEIAC and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness work to ensure the regular assessment of all General Education courses according to their respective ALOs/GELO 1 (Content Knowledge) and to make recommendations for the improvement of General Education at Weber State University. Every other fall, GEIAC submits a report summarizing the status of general education assessment.

Academic Year Report Approved
2020/21 & 2021/22 Findings Nov 9, 2023
2019/20 Findings April 8, 2021
2020 日本一级片 Courses Findings  
2018/19 Findings Nov 6, 2020
2017/18 No Report  
2016/17 Findings Sept 13, 2018
2015/16 Findings April 13, 2017
2014/15 Findings April 14, 2016
2013/14 Findings April 16, 2015
2012/13 Findings April 17, 2014
2011/12 Findings April 19, 2013