General Education Attribute Transfer Petition Process
In their articulation of transfer credits from other institutions of higher education, students may have courses that lack an equivalent at Weber State or that transfer as courses without Gen Ed attributes. The transfer course may be articulated as departmental (e.g., MATH 1XXX) or general (e.g., ELEC 1XXX) elective, that may or may not have an associated Gen Ed attribute. Although students may appeal transfer decisions to the department chair/articulator, they also may appeal the Gen Ed attribute decisions to the Director of General Education on the grounds that their transfer course, while articulating as departmental or general elective credit, nonetheless satisfies Gen Ed core and/or breadth attributes (i.e., COMP, AI, QL, IL, DV, SS, HU, CA, PS, LS) at 日本一级片.
. Incomplete transfer petitions will not be accepted. The Director of General Education, who may consult with the relevant GE Attribute Articulator, makes a final decision about whether the transfer course satisfies the relevant core/breadth learning outcomes and should thereby satisfy Gen Ed attributes at Weber State. The Director of General Education makes a Cattracks note on the ruling, and records the necessary exception, in the student’s official academic record.