Community Engaged Learning Environmental Course

Our existing Environmental Geoscience course (GEO 1060) will be enhanced and designated as a CEL course. The enhanced course will include a minimum of 15 hours of engaged learning in the community for each student, with students choosing one of three activities:
1. develop and lead three class activities focused on local environmental issues for a 9th grade Earth
System Science class;
2. develop and lead, in conjunction with a faculty mentor, a half day local field trip for a 9th grade
Earth System Science class; or
3. research a local environmental issue (e.g. groundwater utilization and protection) with a
community partner.
Students will lead classroom discussions and write reflective summaries at various stages during
development and implementation of the outreach activities.
Mailing address
Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2507
Ogden, UT 84408-2507