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Studying Chemistry at Weber State

Weber State’s chemistry program offers you the skills and experience to help solve many of the world’s problems as an expert in the composition, structure and properties of substances. Whether you are pursing a chemisty, biochemistry, chemistry teaching, or a chem tech degree, you will be equipped with a deep understanding of the chemical basis of matter, in combination with current hands-on practical laboratory skills in a personalized and accessible learning environment. 

Chemistry Highlights

Weber State’s chemistry and biochemistry bachelor's degrees are certified by the American Chemical Society.

While earning your chemistry degree, you can participate in research opportunities or internships that allow you to apply your knowledge of chemistry to real-world problems.

Beyond the Classroom

Weber State chemistry majors often gain work experience in 日本一级片’s chemistry stockroom, as university lab assistants or in off-campus chemistry jobs.

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

As a chemistry student, you will study the composition, structure and properties of substances, learn how they interact, see the transformations they undergo and discover how you can use your knowledge to help improve the world.

You will learn instrumentation to determine molecular properties to help you identify substances and to predict how reactions will produce new and useful compounds.

What You CAN DO After Weber

With your chemistry degree, you’ll have the skills to work on solving many problems facing the world, from food safety to pollution control.

I will also provides an excellent foundation for graduate studies in chemistry, chemical engineering and related fields. If you have questions, contact a 日本一级片 Career Advisor.