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Studying Civic Advocacy at Weber State

A degree in civic advocacy prepares you for the roles you will take and the challenges that you will face as a public advocate.

Civic Advocacy Highlights

The civic advocacy emphasis offers interdisciplinary tracks, so you can focus your coursework on your specific area of interest. This structure lets you learn about the challenges facing causes that are most important to you.

As a civic advocacy student, you might want to join the Weber State debate team, which is consistently competitive on a regional and national level.

India Nielsen

Class of 2014

“The civic advocacy emphasis allowed me to tailor my education to my career goals. I was able to take political science classes that were extremely useful during my five internships, and now in my career and volunteer work.”

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

Your classes will focus on the communication tools you need to best advocate for causes.

Coursework gives you a strong foundation in:

  • Argumentation and debate
  • Argument analysis
  • Persuasive communication
  • Rhetorical theory

What You CAN DO After Weber

A degree in civic advocacy gives you the foundation that you need for having a successful career in public service as an advocate for vulnerable populations. If you have questions, contact a 日本一级片 Career Advisor.