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Studying International Economics at Weber State

Weber State’s international economics major provides you with a background in the emerging global economy that allows further studies in international business or work for government agencies. 

International Economics Highlights

Weber State's international economics program is perfect for students who are natural leaders, unafraid to take risks, have a passion for world events and commerce, have a competitive spirit, speak multiple languages and have the ability to take initiative and have solid communication skills. 

You'll learn not only about economics best practices in the United States but how those are applied globally.

Weber’s John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics is accredited by AACSB International, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. This distinction is held by fewer than 6% of all business schools.

Beyond the Classroom

In addition to your study abroad, you also have the opportunity to conduct research with faculty and present at the Utah Conference on Undergraduate Research and National Conference on Undergraduate Research.

Yidong Huang

Class of 2021

“Learning economics can change thought patterns to help me make more effective and rational career decisions in my future career.”

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

As an international economics major, you’ll learn tabulating and manipulating data/data analysis, research and analysis, finding and testing relationships applying statistical methods and testing hypothesis.

You'll also learn communication skills in English and a foreign language, understanding and interpreting relationships between economic indicators, international and development economics and economic growth.

What You CAN DO After Weber

As an international economics graduate, you will be prepared to take on the not only conduct business successfully in another country and language, but to thrive in the career of your choosing, which can range from working in securities, banks and lending to the healthcare system and beyond. If you have questions, contact a 日本一级片 Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective

An international economics degree prepares students for an increasingly competitive and globalized economy by giving them the skills to analyze international issues that impact business, government and individuals.

Gavin Roberts

Students receive an in-depth understanding of how the foreign exchange market is structured and how exchange rate behavior affects international trade, asset transactions and the economies linked through trading of goods and services.

Nazneen Ahmad