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Studying Organizational Communication at Weber State

Weber State’s organizational communication emphasis focuses on how symbolic meanings shape organizational conflict, decision-making, and culture. This emphasis is a good fit for students who want to explore how people communicate across cultures and within their organizations.

Organizational Communication Highlights

In the organizational communication emphasis, you’re encouraged to work closely with faculty members. You will have the option to work on a capstone project that you can add to your job-hunting portfolio.

Natalie Slater

Class of 2015 (BS), 2016 (MPC)

“I wanted to focus on the training/development and business aspect of communications. I loved being able to take courses not only in communications, but also in the business school, because it gave me a broader range of knowledge.”

Conner Wangsgard

Class of 2024

“The Organizational Communication Emphasis has not only given me valuable, real-world skills to use in future employment, but has opened my eyes to the ways people interact with one another—and how we can do it better. The close and competent aid from the wonderful professors in the Communication Department ensured that I could be successful in my pursuit of knowledge.”

Connor Wangsgard

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

In the organizational communication program, you can select one of three interdisciplinary tracks to pursue:

  • Generalist
  • Technical writing
  • Training and development

What You CAN DO After Weber

Graduating with an emphasis in organizational communication gives you a strong foundation in how communication works across cultures and groups, and a thorough understanding of how different communication channels impact the way we communicate with each other. Specific job titles include:

  • Health services manager
  • Human resource administrator
  • Recruiter
  • Community outreach director

If you have questions, contact a 日本一级片 Career Advisor.