Master of Science Nursing
2021 Project Posters

BSN Nursing Students Educating Teens on Sexual Assault Prevention
Mindy Anderson
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Standardizing and Specializing NICU Discharge Education for Partents
Rachel Hanks
BSN, RN, MSN Student

The Effect of Training on Preceptor Role Efficacy
Bethany Howard
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Effects of Direct Skin-to-Skin Contact on Initiaation and Exclusivity of Breastfeeding
Lauren Huff
BSN, RN, MSN Student

A Course for Nurse Educators: How to Build Resilience in Nursing Students
Kylee McBride
BSN, RN, CPN, MSN Student

Palliative/Hospice Care Education Effectiveness for Clinical Staff on an Oncology Unit
Angie McLemore
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Preoperative Education Program for Improved Postoperative Outcomes
Heather Milburn
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Perioperative Temperature Management
Amanda Mortensen
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Creating Joy in the Workplace
Kristee H. Robbins
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Prenatal Education
Kimber Simons
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Debriefing to Mitigate Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Emergency Personnel
Nancy Small
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Risk Factors for Blood Clots When Taking Birth Control
Madison Smith
BSN, RN, MSN Student

Job Satisfaction Among Nurses and CNAs Employed in Long-Term Care
Nicole Smith
BSN, RN, MSN Student