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RN to BSN Course Requirements

The RN to BSN program is a learning-intensive, time-consuming enterprise. The Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing strongly recommends that you work no more than 24 hours a week during the course of the program. If your family and home commitments are high, we recommend you curtail outside employment even further.

In order to enroll in the nursing courses, you must have applied and been accepted to a specific nursing program. All non-nursing courses must be completed at a C level or higher. Grades of C- or lower will not be accepted toward graduation completion.

See the for individual course descriptions. 

Nursing Course Information

The program is offered 100% online.

The BSN curriculum can be completed in 2 semesters.

If you have 5 or more years of RN experience, you may receive course credits through successful completion of the challenge examination for NRSG 4500 Nursing Management and Leadership. Contact BSN secretary/advisor, Tiffany Bennett at tiffanybennett@weber.edu, for criteria and paperwork.

Upon application, you may select part-time status. Individual schedules can be designed to help meet your personal circumstances. However, all coursework must be completed within 3 years (9 semesters) of entering the BSN program.

Prerequisites and General Education Requirements


Students must have completed the following classes or their equivalent.

  • Inorganic/Organic Chemistry/Bio-chemistry (5), 801-626-6952
  • Anatomy & Physiology (8), 801-626-6165
  • English (6), 801-626-6409
  • Intro Psychology (3) or Human Development, 801-626-6247
  • Quantitative Literacy (3), 801-626-6804

These courses may be challenged. Contact the specific department at the phone number listed.

Degree Requirements

Refer to .

Required Courses

The BSN curriculum must be completed within 3 years (9 semesters) of the date of your acceptance as an RN to BSN student. A departmental honors program is offered.

Complete the following courses:

  • NRSG 4100 Care Coordination and Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Safe Patient Outcomes (3)
  • NRSG 4200 Scholarship for Evidence-Based Practice (3)
  • NRSG 4300 Healthcare Policy and Decision Making (3)
  • NRSG 4400 Population Health in Nursing (4)
  • NRSG 4500 Nursing Management and Leadership (3)
  • NRSG 4600 Communication, Collaboration, and Information Management in Healthcare (3)

Select 6 credit hours from the following courses:

  • NRSG 3400 Mental Health: The Complex Role (3)
  • NRSG 4022 Nursing Care of the Trauma Patient (3)
  • NRSG 4045 ELNEC: End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (3)
  • NRSG 4050 Nursing Assessment Across the Lifespan (3)
  • NRSG 4060 Oncology Nursing (3)
  • NRSG 4070 Disaster Nursing (3)
  • NRSG 4080 Adult Critical Care (3)
  • NRSG 4090 Nursing: High Risk OB/Pediatric Patient (3)
  • NRSG 4700 Forensic Nursing (3)
  • NRSG 4840 Nursing Honors Project Development & Implementation (3)
  • HAS   3240 Human Resource Development in Health Care (3)

Complete 3 hours of upper-division credits from any non-nursing course with a grade of C or higher.

  • Upper Division Elective (3)