Grading System
The following grades and numeric point values are used to compute the cumulative grade point average (GPA).
A | Excellent | 4.0 |
A- | Excellent | 3.7 |
B+ | Good | 3.3 |
B | Good | 3.0 |
B- | Good | 2.7 |
C+ | Standard | 2.3 |
C | Standard | 2.0 |
C- | Standard | 1.7 |
D+ | Sub-Standard | 1.3 |
D | Sub-Standard | 1.0 |
D- | Sub-Standard | 0.7 |
E | Failure | 0.0 |
UW | Unofficial Withdrawal | 0.0 |
To calculate a cumulative GPA, the total number of grade points (the number of credit hours per course multiplied by the numeric points listed above for the grade) is divided by the total number of credit hours.
Courses coded with an R in front of the grade (indicating academic renewal), or an E in the far right column of the form (indicating exclusion due to a repeat), are not used in computing the GPA, the graduation hours, or the total hours completed. Courses coded ND (non-degree) are not used in computing the GPA or the graduation hours completed, but they are included in computing the total hours completed.
Courses with the following notations in the grade column are not used in computing the GPA, the graduation hours, or the total hours completed (with the exception of CR-Credit courses which may be used toward graduation hours or total hours).
- Indicates the student was allowed to sit in a class without earning credit or a grade.
- Audit Students who fail to attend class without withdrawing, may be issued a withdrawal (W). (See section of the catalog.)
CE—Continuing Education Unit
- Students who enroll in a Continuing Education Unit through the Continuing Education Office, will receive a CE grade. It is not counted in the 日本一级片 GPA or Total Hours, but can be listed on a transcript.
- Indicates the student registered for a course on a pass/fail basis and earned a C- or better. (See section of the catalog.)
- Certain courses are offered on a credit/no credit basis only and letter grades are not given.
- Indicates the student was unable to complete the course for a legitimate reason (such as accident or illness) after having completed a substantial portion (approximately 80%) of the required work.
- A written contract between the student and the instructor indicates the work still to be done and the deadline for its completion (within 12 months).
- The student must complete remaining work without re-registering or attending the class during a subsequent semester.
- Credit hours are not counted until a letter grade is posted.
- All incomplete (I) courses must be completed prior to graduation.
NC—No Credit
- Indicates the student registered for a course on a credit/no-credit basis and earned less than a C-.
- Students who stop attending a class for which they are registered on a credit/no-credit basis without officially withdrawing will receive an NC grade entry for that class.
- Certain courses are offered on a credit/no credit basis only and letter grades are not given.
NG—No Grade Reported
- The instructor has not yet reported a grade for the course. This temporary symbol is used for the semester Report of Grades only. A course without a grade will not appear on the student's transcript. However, all courses must have an earned grade posted prior to graduation.
SC—Special Credit
- The student has received credit through an examination, waiver, or substitution for which they are not eligible for a letter grade.
- These credits are counted toward the total number of credits required for graduation but are not used to calculate the cumulative grade point average.
T—Temporary Grade
- The course is being continued in the subsequent semester and a grade and credits will be calculated when the course is complete and a letter grade has been issued. The "T" grade is approved for specific courses only.
UW—Unofficial Withdrawal
- Indicates the student stopped attending the course without officially withdrawing. Note: UW's are calculated as failing grades in the student's semester and cumulative grade point averages.
- The student withdrew from the course in the interval comprising the 16th through the 50th business day of a semester or the 30th business day of a block. Withdrawals are not permitted after the 50th business day of a semester or 30th business day of a block.
X Preceding a Grade
- An X precdeding a grade will exclude the grade from counting toward the GPA, but follows the grading system outlined above. These grades are reserved for remedial courses, used as pre-requisites, but not counted towards progress towards degree.