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Weber State University takes the safety and well-being of all individuals on its campuses seriously. Safe@Weber provides access to resources to help you deal with a variety of safety and emergency issues. Please use these resources and reach out if you or someone you know needs help.

Who Can Help

Safe@Weber Advocacy & Violence Prevention

Violence prevention education and assistance for victims/ survivors of sexual misconduct.

Weber State Police

Law enforcement services, criminal investigations, safety escorts, Campus Security (CSA)/Clery reports & questions, and assistance with campus safety.

Office of Equal Opportunity

Addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Title IX coordinator. 

Campus Climate Team 

Provides support and resources to individuals who have been affected by various incidents, experiences or events on campus that may impact feelings of belonging and support.

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Dean of Students 

Concerning student behavior, academic misconduct, conduct issues, and students in crisis.

Human Resources

Concerning employee behavior, questions about employment, compensation, benefits, employee wellness, and training.

Disability Services

Assistance with student academic accommodations.

Counseling & Psychological Services Center

Individual, group, and crisis counseling for students.


The Strategic Threat Assessment and Response (STAR) Team evaluates potential safety threats to the members of the Weber State community in accordance with Weber State PPM 3-67.