Weber State University takes the safety and well-being of all individuals on its campuses seriously. Safe@Weber provides access to resources to help you deal with a variety of safety and emergency issues. Please use these resources and reach out if you or someone you know needs help.
Who Can Help
Safe@Weber Advocacy & Violence Prevention
Violence prevention education and assistance for victims/ survivors of sexual misconduct.
- Phone: 801-626-6090
- Email:
Weber State Police
Law enforcement services, criminal investigations, safety escorts, Campus Security (CSA)/Clery reports & questions, and assistance with campus safety.
- Phone: 801-626-6460 or 911
- Email:
- Code Purple Emergency Notification System
Office of Equal Opportunity
Addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, and sexual misconduct. Title IX coordinator.
- Phone: 801-626-7537
- Email:
Campus Climate Team
Provides support and resources to individuals who have been affected by various incidents, experiences or events on campus that may impact feelings of belonging and support.
- Email:
Dean of Students
Concerning student behavior, academic misconduct, conduct issues, and students in crisis.
- Phone:
- Email:
Human Resources
Concerning employee behavior, questions about employment, compensation, benefits, employee wellness, and training.
- Phone: 801-626-6032
- Email:
Disability Services
Assistance with student academic accommodations.
- Phone: 801-626-6413
- Email:
Counseling & Psychological Services Center
Individual, group, and crisis counseling for students.
- Phone: 801-626-6406
The Strategic Threat Assessment and Response (STAR) Team evaluates potential safety threats to the members of the Weber State community in accordance with Weber State PPM 3-67.