2022 Archives

Weber State looks back at highlights of 2022

Here's a look at ÈÕ±¾Ò»¼¶Æ¬'s highlights for the year, including the creation of the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion division, a new physician assistant program, and the opening of key facilities for defense and aerospace research.

Weber State to host inaugural Human Trafficking Symposium

ÈÕ±¾Ò»¼¶Æ¬ will host its inaugural Human Trafficking Symposium Oct. 27 to raise awareness and start an ongoing conversation about how to recognize and combat human trafficking in the United States and in Utah specifically.

Former foster child finds home, success at Weber State

For children in foster care, attending college can feel like another challenge of being part of the system. For Raquel Andreasen, a passion for learning helped her overcome that challenge and forge a path at ÈÕ±¾Ò»¼¶Æ¬.

Code Purple app goes live

Weber State University is proud to present the new Code Purple app, which launched Sept. 2 and is available for free on app stores everywhere.

Weber State Hosts Ukraine Awareness & Service Project

In an effort tobring awareness to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Walker Institute of Politics & Public Service, in partnership with the Center for Community Engaged Learning CCEL, ishosting a service project on May 18.

Weber State removes all press releases from our website that are at least 10 years old, as well as event-related press releases that are at least 5 years old. To access these archived press releases, email a request to Marketing & Communications at ucomm@weber.edu.