Research Expenditures
Review the information below for more on expenditure guidelines for funding from Research, Scholarship and Professional Growth Committee (RSPG), Hemingway and the Presidential Teaching Excellence Award.
Payments to Students
Since Weber State University is an equal opportunity employer, we post all types of employment online . Contact Human Resources for further instructions. If you have a student in mind for a job, have them apply online.
Registration for a Conference
Follow the process for requesting travel in Concur. Please contact the Director of Academic Finance and Administration to get the index assigned to your award. While submitting your request, you can allocate your award amount against the index they provide. If you need to send a check because credit cards are not accepted, contact Purchasing about how to request this in PAW Place.
Contact Information
Lisa Allen
Director of Academic Finance and Administration
Miller Administration Building 306
Weber State Financial Services
Miller Administration 204
3850 Dixon Parkway Dept 1014
Ogden, UT 84408-1014