USASIE Mission, Vision & Values
The Undergraduate Studies: Academic Support and Institutional Effectiveness (USASIE) division offices oversee university-wide undergraduate programs and other programs to ensure academic program quality and student support.
Mission and Vision
To provide quality university-wide programs that support the success of all students from the first year to completion through engaging, impactful, and meaningful academic experiences.
To be a model of how academic quality, curricular innovation, and targeted support can lead to engaging, impactful, and meaningful academic experiences.
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning
High-quality, high-impact experiences for students and faculty
Engaging students in big ideas (Honors, Gen Ed, IS)
Highlighting personal connections
Meaningful program outcome assessment
Connecting students to a range of academic supports and services
USASIE Organization Chart
The structure of Undergraduate Studies: Academic Support & Institutional Effectiveness is depicted below.