Jacob Albretsen, Adjunct Physics Instructor


Mail: Department of Physics & Astronomy
Weber State University
1415 Edvaldson Drive, Dept. 2508
Ogden, UT 84408-2508
Email:  jakealbretsen AT weber DOT EDU

Professional Bio

I received my Bachelor's Degree in physics from Weber State University in 1999 and my Master's Degree in physics from Brigham Young University in 2002. While working on the masters, and later a PhD in physics and astronomy doing brown dwarf research, I became interested in Linux and programming which eventually lead to a career in that field. As a result, I did not complete the PhD program.

I am currently a Site Reliablity Engineer at and have been an Adjunct Physics Instructor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy for over a decade.

Further Information

  • Master's Thesis: