Academic Resources and Computing Committee (ARCC)
IMPORTANT: The deadline for ARCC and Dee grants for the Spring 2025 semester is March 31, 2025. All proposals must include an IT specialist's signature, and IT requires that you submit your proposal to them no later than 3 weeks (by March 10, 2025) before the deadline.
The ARCC committee recommends policies and operational procedures on the acquisition and utilization of computers and academic resource material (PPM 1-13, Article 5, Section 4.1). It reviews the funding criteria and procedures for the ARCC and Dee Family Technology grants awarded to faculty for their classroom-based or research-related projects. It maintains close communication with 日本一级片 Online, the IT Governance Council, and other IT, computing, and digital-related entities on campus and provides a faculty perspective regarding the potential impact of policies and procedures for campus-wide hardware and software purchases and for protecting student, faculty, and staff data. The ARCC committee has two kinds of grants:
ARCC Funds are allocated through a formal proposal submission process. Please look over the on-line documentation. Should you have further questions, please contact your College ARCC representative or the Committee Chair. All proposals will need an IT specialist signature, and it is required that you leave time - 3 weeks - before the deadline for that. Also, see the recommended list of technology for multimedia.