Thomas A. Hales
Civil / Structural Engineer with over 30 years of academic and industry work experience:
- Founding faculty member of new Civil Engineering program established at Utah Valley University in 2018.
- Worked in private and public construction sectors providing design and engineering services utilizing multiple construction delivery methods for 30+ years.
- Significant experience in 2D design, 3D modeling and engineering of both building (vertical) and transportation (horizontal) construction projects.
PhD - Civil & Environmental Engineering (Structural Emphasis) May 2015
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah GPA 4.0
Advisor: Chris P. Pantelides
Dissertation: Slender Concrete Columns Reinforced with FRP Spirals
BS - Computer Science Dec 2005
Weber State University, Ogden, Utah Summa Cum Laude
MS Civil & Environmental Engineering (Structural Emphasis) Dec 1998
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah GPA 3.87
Thesis: Out-of-Plane Loading of Reinforced Concrete Plates with Openings
BS Civil & Environmental Engineering Jun 1993
Utah State University, Logan, Utah Magna Cum Laude
Teaching Experience
Weber State University (日本一级片) Jan 2021 to present
Associate Professor of Constr. Mgmt., Constr. & Bldg. Sciences Dept. Ogden, UT
Utah Valley University (UVU) Aug 2018 to Dec 2020
Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering, Engineering Department Orem, UT
Professional Work Experience
Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Nov 2008 to July 2018
UDOT Project Manager 3+ years
Region One (Ogden) and Research Division (Salt Lake City) S.L.C. and Ogden, Utah
- Managed over $48 million of transportation construction projects in Utah
- Manage multiple project teams coordinating the development and execution of scope, schedule and budget to ensure successful completion of projects
- Actively contributed to research efforts of the Research Division in cooperation withuniversities and private research groups conducting the research, including writing proposals, problem statements, reports and helping improve in-house processes
UDOT Structures Lead Design Engineer 4 years
Utah Department of Transportation, Structures Division Salt Lake City, Utah
- Led team in design of a nationally spotlighted, first-ever bridge replacement projectin the country utilizing the Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil – Integrated Bridge System (GRS-IBS) construction method on an interstate freeway
- Led team in design of the first bridge replacement project designed in-house utilizing the Construction Management General Contracting (CMGC) project delivery method
UDOT Roadway Design Engineer 2.5 years
Utah Department of Transportation, Region One Ogden, Utah
- Demonstrated ability and agility to learn new skills and competency in an area of Civil Engineering not part of previous work experience
- Learned new CADD software, transportation design standards and practices to lead roadway projects including the coordination and management of other team members
Lomond View Designs & Engineering (Part Time Consulting) Nov 2008 to present
- Structural design and engineering
- Structural investigations
Lomond View Designs & Engineering May 1999 to Oct 2008
Owner / Project Manager / Project Engineer Ogden, Utah
- Started new consulting firm providing design and structural engineering services for residential and commercial structures
- Closely coordinated design process with contractors and construction industry to promote a partnering atmosphere
- Developed invaluable skills in working with clients, making critical and difficult decisions affecting the company, and tutoring/training new employees as the company grew
Knighton and Crow PC Nov 1997 to May 1999
Project Engineer / Project Manager Logan/Ogden, Utah
- Performed engineering calculations, prepared drawings and details, performed site visits/observations, and managed projects for commercial, public and industrial structures
- Partnered and worked closely with other design consultants (i.e. architects, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, etc.) to accomplish common design goals
- Selected to help company open new office in Ogden to facilitate a fast-growing client base
Reaveley Engineers and Associates Jun 1993 to Sep 1997
Project Engineer Salt Lake City, Utah
- Performed structural engineering calculations, prepared drawings and details, performed site visits/observations for commercial, public and industrial structures
- Partnered and worked closely with other design consultants (i.e. architects, mechanical engineers, electrical engineers, etc.) to accomplish common design goals
Rosenberg Associates Jun 1992 to Aug 1992
Engineer Intern St. George, UT
- Assisted in designing and preparing calculations and drawings for hydraulic studies, subdivision layouts, survey layouts, and roadway projects
Plans by D. Brent Hales Jun 1984 to Jul 1987, Jul 1989 to May 1992
Home Designer Ogden, UT
- Drafted and designed homes by hand and CAD including simple electrical, plumbing and mechanical layouts
- Self-taught and introduced first use of CAD for full home designs
Professional Projects
The following is a partial list of projects involved with while engaged as a full-time, practicing engineer. Duties included project management, performing design and engineering calculations, preparing construction drawings, preparing engineering reports, coordinating with partnering disciplines, on-site data collection and construction inspections, and/or supervising engineering support staff.
- Franklin Quest Distribution Center, West Valley, Utah
- Little America Convenience Store, Little America, Wyoming
- Snow Canyon Middle School, St. George, Utah
- Hurricane High School, Hurricane, Utah
- Salt Palace Reconstruction, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Highland High School Seismic Renovation, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Oquirrh Elementary Fire Renovation, West Jordan, Utah
- Springdale Water Plant Building, Springdale, Utah
- Winter Sports Park Construction Oversight, Park City, Utah
- Phillips 66 Refinery Tower, Woods Cross, Utah
- Salt Lake City Airport Concourse B Addition, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Hill Air Force Base Seismic Evaluation and Structural Assessment (34 buildings)
- California Avenue Tilt-Up Warehouse, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Valley View Medical Center Structural Assessment, Cedar City, Utah
- LDS 10 th Ward Historic Building Seismic Renovation, Salt Lake City, Utah
- IHC Medical Clinic, Highland, Utah
- Jacobsen UPC Office Building, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Ogden Public Safety Building, Ogden, Utah
- Syracuse Elementary School, Syracuse, Utah
- Provo Retail Center, Provo, Utah
- St. George Armory, St. George, Utah
- KSG Tilt-Up Distribution Center, Kaysville, Utah
- Ninigret X Multi-Story Office Complex, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Jamestown Strip Mall, Provo, Utah
- West Jordan Retail Shop, West Jordan, Utah
- Heber Historic Bank Seismic Renovation and Remodel, Heber, Utah
- Canyon View High School, Cedar City, Utah
- Bradley 10,000 s.f. Residence, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Swan Creek Box Culvert Replacement, Garden City, Utah
- Summit Park Bridge Replacement (Bridge Slide), Summit Park, Utah
- Wanship Bridge Replacement (Bridge Slide), Wanship, Utah
- 900 E over I-215 Emerg. Bridge Repair (Damaged Steel Girder Repair), Midvale, Utah
- US-89; Antelope Dr. Utility Protection Slab, Davis Co, Utah
- Flaming Gorge Bridge Rehabilitation, Flaming Gorge, Utah
- I-70 Emerg. Bridge Repair (Damaged Prestressed Conc. Girder Repair), Richfield, Utah
- Duchesne Pedestrian Bridge, Duchesne, Utah
- SR-121 White Rocks Bridge Replacement Analysis, Lapoint, Utah
- US-6 Over D&RGW Railroad Bridge Retrofit, Spanish Fork, Utah
- Echo Bridge Replacement (GRS-IBS Bridge Slide), Echo, Utah
Research Experience
University of Utah Apr 2015 to Nov 2016
Post-doctoral Research Consultant (Volunteer Work) Salt Lake City, UT
- Provided consulting in the development of an experimental testing program for an M.S. student to perform additional investigation in the use of GFRP-spiral-confined concrete
- Provided training and mentoring of students in the fabrication and testing of specimens including installation of strain gauges and testing instrumentation
- Assisted in data analysis and preparations for journal publication
University of Utah Aug 2009 to Apr 2015
Doctoral Research – Ph.D. Candidate Salt Lake City, UT
- Developed and implemented an experimental program to perform research into the behavior of concrete columns reinforced internally with GFRP reinforcement
- Conducted experimental testing on large- and small-scale concrete column specimens.
- Developed a complex computer program incorporating a numerical integration method to model column deflection behavior and produce slender column load-deflection curves
- Developed an analytical confinement model for FRP-spiral-confined concrete
- Developed an analytical buckling model for FRP-spiral-confined concrete columns
University of Utah Apr 1995 to Dec 1998
Master’s Research – M.S. Candidate Salt Lake City, UT
- Evaluated the behavior of reinforced concrete plates (or slabs) with openings subjected to out-of-plane loading
- Performed structural analysis using ANSYS finite element software
- Determined the impact of opening size on overall plate capacity and behavior
- Developed reinforcement guidelines for the accommodation of openings in reinforced concrete plates (or slabs)
Journal Publications (refereed)
- Hales, T. A., Pantelides, C. P., Reaveley, L. D. (2016). “Experimental evaluation of slender high-strength concrete columns with GFRP and hybrid reinforcement.” J. Compos. Constr., 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000709, 1-10.
- Hales, T. A., Pantelides, C. P., Reaveley, L. D. (2017). “Analytical buckling model for slender FRP-reinforced concrete columns.” Compos. Struct., 176 (2017) 33-42.
- Hales, T. A., Pantelides, C. P., Sankholkar, P. P., Reaveley, L. D. (2017). “Analysis- oriented stress-strain model for concrete confined with FRP spirals.” ACI Struct. J., V. 114, No. 5, September-October 2017, 1-10.
- Sankholkar, P. P., Pantelides, C. P., Hales, T. A., (2017). “Confinement model for concrete columns reinforced with GFRP spirals.” J. Compos. Constr.,10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000843, 1-12.
- Seibi, A. C., Tolman, S., Jensen, M., Amin, M., Bordelon, A., Hales, T. A. (2020). “Toward the Development of Capstone Design Guidelines in Newly Established Engineering Programs.” IETC, (2020), 1-6.
Published Papers and Articles (non-refereed)
- Hales, T.A., Pantelides, C.P., (2015). “Columns of strength.” Roads & Bridges, May 2015, 44-47.
- Hales, T. A., Pantelides, C. P., and Reaveley, L. D (2013). “Eccentrically loaded hybrid reinforced concrete slender columns.” 11 th Int. Symp. on FRP Reinf. Conc. Struct., Paper 02-679, Eds. Barros, J. and Sena-Cruz, J., University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
Professional Affilations
- TRB Panel Member, NCHRP Project 20-05/Topic 47-12
- Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) in Transportation Infrastructure
- Affiliate, Structural Engineering Certification Board (SECB)
- Member, Structural Engineer’s Association of Utah (SEAU)
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Member, American Concrete Institute (ACI)
Licenses, Certifications and Technical Skills
- Licensed as P.E. & S.E. in Utah, and P.E. in Idaho and Wyoming
- Structural engineering certification – Structural Engineering Certification Board (SECB)
- Proficient in CADD (20+ years), Visual Basic, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- Experience with Microsoft Project, ANSYS, RAM, RISA, Perform-3D, Leap Bridge and
other construction and engineering management, analysis, modeling and design programs