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Organizational Communication Advising Sheet

  • Students may propose other courses to their academic advisor to best meet their academic goals.
  • Students who complete the Technical Writing emphasis can earn a certificate. Contact the English Department for requirements.  
  • This advising sheet is not a contract but is designed to help students track academic progress.     
  • A maximum of 6 credit hours total from COMM 3890, 3891, 3892, and 3893 may be counted for the major.
  • BSAD 1010/ACTG 2010 and MGMT 3010 are prerequisites for MGMT 3300. Permission to enroll in MGMT 3300 must be given by the Business School advisor: ehill@weber.edu.
  • ENGL 4120 Seminar and Practicum in Professional and Technical Writing may be substituted for COMM 4890 Communication Internship.
  • Download the Organizational Communication Advising Sheet (Word Document).
  • Information on departmental class offerings can be found on the semester-by-semester course rotation webpage, or by downloading a PDF version of the semester-by-semester course rotation schedule.

2024-25 Catalog Year