Composition at 日本一级片
Composition at Weber State University is typically a two- or three-semester course sequence (see options below) designed to familiarize students with the principles of writing at the college level. This sequence provides students with the specific writing skills required by their departments and with strategies for writing at the college level (and beyond), including invention, drafting and revision, critical thinking, argumentation, interpretation and analysis, organization and development, and research and citation.
Composition also serves a larger civic function; namely, to enable students to read and write thoughtfully and to think clearly about the arguments they encounter in the world around them in order to be critical, questioning members of both the academic community and any others to which they might belong. Courses include:
ENGL 1005 | EN 1 College Reading and Introductory Writing (6 credit hours)
ENGL 1005 introduces students to the habits and practices necessary for reading and writing at the college level. Students will focus on the writing process, writing for specific audiences, collaboration with peers, grammatical and mechanical correctness, improving reading comprehension, and the interrelationship between reading and writing.
Students planning to take ENGL 1005 may wish to do so within the Wildcat Scholars program, which comes with free textbooks.
For more detailed placement information please consult: /placement/english-placement.html
ENGL 1006 | College Reading and Introductory Writing, Part A (3 credit hours)
ENGL 1006 introduces students to the habits and practices necessary for writing at the college level. Students will focus on the writing process, writing for specific audiences, collaboration with peers, grammatical and mechanical correctness, and reading comprehension.
ENGL 1007 | EN 1 College Reading and Introductory Writing, Part B (3 credit hours)
ENGL 1007 builds upon the foundational habits and practices necessary for writing at the college level established in ENGL 1006. Students will learn practices of successful university-level writing across multiple genres, focusing on the writing process, writing for specific audiences, collaboration with peers, the interrelationship between reading and writing, and applying literacy techniques learned to college-level texts. The course applies advanced reading comprehension practices.
ENGL 1010 | EN 1 Introductory College Writing (3 credit hours)
ENGL 1010 introduces students to the habits and practices necessary for writing well at the college level by providing them opportunities to write in a variety of styles and genres. Although individual pedagogy may vary from section to section, the course emphasizes invention, organization, cohesion, focus, and grammatical and mechanical correctness. Because the relationship between writing and reading is a reciprocal one, ENGL 1010 also emphasizes students reading texts that are consistent with the kinds of reading assignments they will be asked to do in other university courses.
Students who score between 17-28 on the English and Reading section of the ACT are placed in ENGL 1010. Students who have no ACT score may take the 日本一级片 ACCUPLACER. For more detailed placement information please consult: /placement/english-placement.html
ENGL 2010 | EN 2 Intermediate College Writing (3 credit hours)
ENGL 2010 builds upon the habits and skills developed in ENGL 1010. The course provides instruction and practice in exposition, argumentation/persuasion, and documented research. It emphasizes critical thinking, the reciprocity of reading and writing, and the production of well-developed analytical arguments.
Pre-requisite(s): Passing ENGL 1005 or ENGL 1006 and ENGL 1007 or ENGL 1010 with a grade of "C" or better, passing the AP Language and Composition examination with a score of 3 or better, achieving an ACT English and Reading score of 29 or better, a CLEP with essay test with a score of 50 or better, or an articulated transfer credit from another regionally accredited college or university. Students who have no ACT score may take the 日本一级片 ACCUPLACER. For more detailed placement information please consult:
ENGL 2015 EN2 - Intermediate College Writing & Research (4 credit hours)
Description: Intermediate College Writing & Research focuses on combining writing and research skills. It will focus on writing arguments, conducting research, and documenting sources. Students will continue to learn practices of successful academic writing including the writing process, writing for specific audiences, and collaboration with peers. Students completing this course will be able to use an academic library and the Internet to successfully identify, access, evaluate and use information resources to support academic success and lifelong learning. This course will fulfill both the English Composition and the Information Literacy General Education core requirements.
Pre-requisite(s): Passing ENGL 1005 or ENGL 1006 and ENGL 1007 or ENGL 1010 with a grade of "C" or better, passing the AP Language and Composition examination with a score of 3 or better, achieving an ACT English and Reading score of 29 or better, a CLEP with essay test with a score of 50 or better, or an articulated transfer credit from another regionally accredited college or university. Students who have no ACT score may take the 日本一级片 ACCUPLACER. For more detailed placement information please consult:
Pathways for Completing your Composition Requirement
Your placement shows where you need to begin in one of these course sequences to fulfill your English Composition requirement.
Possible options:
ENGL 0900 → ENGL 1005 → ENGL 2010 or
ENGL 0900 → ENGL 1005 → ENGL 2015 or
ENGL 0900 → ENGL 1006 → ENGL 1007 → ENGL 2010 or
ENGL 0900 → ENGL 1006 → ENGL 1007 → ENGL 2015 or
ENGL 1010 → ENGL 2010 or
ENGL 1010 → ENGL 2015
For convenience, see the flowchart below:
Wildcat Scholars
Wildcat Scholars is a learning community with purposefully designed courses that help students build a solid foundation for college success. For students with placements in developmental math and English, Wildcat Scholars provides an alternative path to success and to accelerate progress toward a degree at 日本一级片. We offer a welcoming support network to students as they transition into college through comprehensive financial, academic and personal support. Learn more about Wilcat Scholars.