Composition Program Mission & Outcomes
General Education Requirements
日本一级片 General Education requirements include completing with a grade of “C” or better ENGL 2010 EN2—Intermediate College Writing OR ENGL 2015 EN2—Intermediate College Writing & Research.
Entrance into ENGL 2010 OR ENGL 2015 requires one of the following: Passing ENGL 1005 EN1—College Reading and Introductory Writing OR ENGL 1010 EN1—Introductory College Writing with a grade of “C” or better, achieving an ACT English and Reading score of 29 or better, a CLEP with essay test with a score of 50 or better, or an articulated transfer credit from another regionally accredited college or university.
The overarching goal of composition is to prepare students to enter the discourse communities of the university and larger society.
Students in ENGL 1005 or ENGL 1010 should produce a minimum of 4000 words of revised prose; students in ENGL 2010 or ENGL 2015 should produce a minimum of 5,000 words of revised prose. Students must exit both courses with a C or better in order to receive credit.
Because the following competencies are the combined outcomes for ENGL 1005 and 1010, and ENGL 2010 and ENGL 2015, it is not expected that each course, individually, will meet all outcomes.
Student Outcomes
Students will:
- Identify connections between and among texts and their ideas.
- Compose writing that is structurally coherent and unified.
- Compose writing assignments with a clear thesis or main idea.
- Control such surface features as syntax, grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Paraphrase, summarize, and use sources appropriately.
- Use MLA and/or APA citation method correctly.
- Make and support an effective argument. (ENGL 2010 & ENGL 2015)