Daniel S.聽Hubler, Ph.D.

Department of Child and Family Studies

Interim Associate Dean

Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education

Weber State University
1351 Edvalson St. Dept. 1301
Ogden UT 84408

Office: 401 Swenson
Phone: 801-436-7243
Email: danielhubler@weber.edu


Courses Currently Teaching

  • FAM 2100 Family Resource Management
  • CHF 2400 Family Relations
  • FAM 3150 Consumer Rights and Responsbilities
  • FAM 4650 Family Life Education Methods
  • FAM 3660 LGBTQ Families
  • GSE 6301 Specialized School & Family Programs
  • REC 1510 Fishing Level 1


  • Ph.D., Human Environmental Sciences, Oklahoma State University
  • M.S., Human Development and Family Science, Oklahoma State University  
  • B.S., Family Studies, Weber State University

Recent Work

  • Hubler, D. S., & Burr, B. K. (2019) How an online education module influence attitudes toward relationship education: A randomized experiment. Journal of Human Sciences, 7, 169-179.
  • Spencer, T. A., Burr, B. K., & Hubler, D. S. (2019). Problematic bed time media-use and couple sexual satisfaction.  Contemporary Family Therapy, 41, 327-334.
  • Burr, B. K. & Hubler, D. S., (2021). Which relationship service fits best? Teaching the difference between relationship education and couples therapy. Family Relations, 70, 297-304

About Me

Thanks for visiting my page. Let me share some fun facts.

  1. I was born at home in the middle of an ice storm. My father served as my "midwife." If you knew my father, this would impress you. Trust me.
  2. I am an avid fan of FLY FISHING, football, impromptu road trips, comedy, country music, and all things food. If you come by my office discussing any of these topics, I may bore you with my own views after a few hours.
  3. I enjoy taking fishing trips with my two children (Betty the border collie and Lola the basset hound).
  4. I'm an Oklahoma State University football fan. Go Pokes!
  5. I try to make it to all of the Weber State University home football games. I hope to see you there.
  6. I am passionate in my research, teaching, and exploring of all things concerning family relationships, family life education, and communication styles and skills.
  7. It is my goal to enjoy my life regardless of the circumstances, and I hope to share that enjoyment with others around me.