Departmental Honors in Environmental Science

Highly motivated Environmental Science majors have the opportunity to graduate with Departmental Honors.

Why Departmental Honors?

Graduating with Departmental Honors is a special recognition of academic excellence in your program of study.

  • Your transcript and degree diploma will declare that you earned Departmental Honors in your major.
  • You will receive invitations to Honors Program social and educational events.
  • You will receive an invitation to the Honors Nye Banquet when you graduate.
  • You will receive honors distinction (a cord, medallion or pin) for your graduation ceremony.


Earning Departmental Honors in Environmental Science requires the following:

  1. Major: Declared ENVS major
  2. GPA: 3.7 日本一级片 official GPA
  3. Service: 12 or more hours of environmental science related community service
  4. Engagment: Attend one or more honors program events
  5. Research: Completed research project in which the student made a substantial intellectual and analytical contribution. Prior to graduation, each student applying for departmental honors will present an honors project seminar (defense) to the faculty advisory committee and other attendees.


To declare Departmental Honors, talk to your ENVS advisor.

University Honors

University vs. Departmental Honors

  • University Honors is distinct from Departmental Honors, and students can do both.
  • University Honors indicates that a student enrolled and excelled in Honors Program (HNRS) courses throughout their academic career at Weber State and met other University Honors requirements.
  • University Honors courses have the HNRS prefix. Some HNRS courses may be able to be counted toward your ENVS elective requirements; talk to an advisor if you have questions.
  • Many ENVS majors who complete University Honors requirements will also qualify for Departmental Honors in Environmental Science.
  • For more information about the distinction between University and Departmental Honors, visit the Honors Program website.

Why University Honors?

  • If you are a freshman or sophomore interested in a rewarding challenge, we encourage you to check out the Honors Program for General or University Honors.
  • Through the Honors Program, students can enroll in engaging, inderdisciplinary, and challenging GenEd (and upper-division) courses in a small-enrollment format.
  • Honors students also have opportunities to participate in discussions with high-profile campus speakers, attend fun social events, engage in leadership and community engagement activities, and more. They are also eligible for special Honors Program scholarships.