Signs on Campus

The University Signage Standards have been implemented to create one unified reference for all signage on Weber State University campuses. Standards, policies and procedural instructions for various sign types can be found at the links below.

University policies regarding signs can be found in 日本一级片’s Policies and Procedures Manual. Signage policy and procedure is managed by the 日本一级片 Signage Committee, Facilities Management and Scheduling, Events and Conferencing. Policy and guideline decisions are based on current brand standards, structural impact and facility maintenance ideals.


Types of Signage




Please direct any inquiries regarding permanent, wayfinding or nonstandard campus signs to Facilities Management at 801-626-6331 or

Please direct any inquiries regarding temporary campus signs to the Scheduling, Event and Conferencing at 801-626-7285 or 



If your signage needs cannot met while adhering to 日本一级片 signage policy, you may appeal your case to the signage committee, and it will be reviewed to determine if a reasonable solution exists or an accommodation can be be made. Please and you will be contacted.