FM Leadership Certificate Program (aka Raise the Bar)


September 1, 2022: FM's Leadership Certificate Program 2.0 is now live and in effect.  All new requests for compensation payments must follow the revised tiers, as outlined below, for compensation. 

We understand that many FM employees started the program under version 1.0 and will finish the program under version 2.0.  To accommodate the disruption this might cause to someone's planned schedule for completion (e.g. because Supervisor's Toolkit moved from the Core to the Advanced Supervisory Tier), we have added a maximum dollar amount for compensation per employee to the Guidelines, which can be distributed in any way between the tiers and two versions.  This new Guideline adds more flexibility for each employee to earn the maximum amount allowed under this professional development program than we had before.

Leadership Certificate Core

Participants must complete all five of the following core courses.  Upon completion of all five core courses, FM employees will receive a one-time supplemental pay in the amount of $500 (reported as taxable income).

    • Training Tracker # 480-01
  • Crucial Conversations
  • FranklinCovey Speed of Trust
  • Workflow Management and Data-Driven Decision Making
  • FM New Hire Orientation

Personal and Interpersonal Development Tier

Participants must complete at least two classes from the following list.  Upon completion of two electives from this tier, FM employees will receive a one-time supplemental pay in the amount of $500 (reported as taxable income).  Participants are encouraged to complete more than two classes from this tier as it will further develop their leadership skills; however, no additional compensation is provided for doing so.

  • FranklinCovey-Branded Programs 
    • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
    • Inspiring Trust
    • Project Management for the Unofficial Project Manager
    • Rethinking Stress
    • Leading Across Generations
    • 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders
    • 4 Disciplines of Execution
    • Leadership: Great Leaders, Great Teams, Great Results
    • 6 Critical Practices for Leading a Team
    • The Change Element
  • Arbinger Institute-Branded Programs
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
    • Training Tracker #310-05
    • Training Tracker #415-01
  • Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI)
  • Or equivalent personal or interpersonal professional development course with written pre-approval from a director or the AVP.

Advanced Supervisory Tier

Participants must complete at least one class from the following list.  Upon completion of one of these classes, FM employees will receive a one-time supplemental pay in the amount of $500 (reported as taxable income).  Participants are encouraged to complete more than one class from this tier as it will further develop their leadership skills; however, no additional compensation is provided for doing so.

  • 日本一级片's Higher Education Academy
    • Training Tracker #350-01
  • Or equivalent advanced supervisory course with written pre-approval from a director or the AVP (courses under this tier are multi-day courses, so a one-day or half-day course would not be considered an equivalent; however, multiple short courses could be considered an equivalent).

Advanced Facilities Management Tier

Participants must complete at least one item from the following list.  Upon completion of one of these items, FM employees will receive a one-time supplemental pay in the amount of $500 (reported as taxable income).  Participants are encouraged to complete more than one item from this tier as it will further develop their leadership skills; however, no additional compensation is provided for doing so.  Nor is further funding and time away from work guaranteed.

  • Academic Programs Offered Through Weber State:
    • GIS Certificate
  • APPA: Leadership in Educational Facilities Programs:
    •  (all four tracks of the Institute for Facilities Management must be completed)
    • (all four tracks of the Leadership Academy must be completed)
  • Project Management Institute (PMI) Programs:
  • LEED 
    • Green Associate Credential
      • LEED AP BD+C
      • LEED AP O+M
      • LEED AP ID+C
  • Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
  • Business Energy Professional (BEP)
  • Certified Building Commissioning Professional (CBCP)
  • Existing Building Commissioning Professional (EBCP)
  • North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioner (Solar Installation) (NABCEP)
  • North American Technical Excellence (NATE) HVAC Certification
  • DDW Level 4 Operator - Division of Drinking Water
  • International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Programs:
  • Or equivalent certification or college-level coursework with written pre-approval from a director or the AVP (courses under this tier require a significant investment of time and almost always include a testing component.  All approved equivalent courses must meet the same standards).


The following guidelines will be used when administering the program.

  1. Both version 1.0 and version 2.0 of the Leadership Certificate Program have a Core section followed by three tiers of courses, for a total of four opportunities for a participant to earn a $500 supplemental pay (a cumulative total of $2,000 under either version); therefore, to accommodate people who may have started on version 1.0 and will finish on version 2.0, we have elected to institute a $2,000 cap on payments per person, regardless of the combination of tiers or versions.  We believe this will allow participants the greatest amount of flexibility to continue working on the program within the changes that have been made to the tiers.  However, if compensation for a course was received on version 1.0, it cannot then be counted toward compensation on version 2.0 to get to the $2,000 cap (in other words, there is no double dipping).  For example, Supervisor's Toolkit was a Core course in version 1.0 and is in the Advanced Supervisory Courses in version 2.0; if a participant received compensation for the Core on version 1.0, they would not be able to count completion of Supervisor's Toolkit to check off Advanced Supervisory Courses in version 2.0.  As we move through the transition between versions, all requests for reviews of what has previously been completed and compensated and what is eligible for compensation for a participant should be directed to the People Operations Manager (Gentry Reesor), who will conduct a review and make a recommendation for that particular individual's situation.  The recommendation will be reviewed and approved by the appropriate Director(s) and the AVP.
  2. Any course that is used for compensation through this program cannot also be used for compensation through another bonus program at Weber State University and vice versa (in other words, no double dipping).
  3. For tiers that require multiple courses to complete, one course may be completed prior to September 1, 2022, but the final course must be completed after September 1, 2022, as that will be the indication that the Tier itself is complete.
  4. Participants are responsible to keep their own records of course completion, along with the dates that the course was completed.  This could take the form of certificates, having the facilitator sign the Leadership Certificate Program tracking document, saving the workbook with the date written on it, or other means.  FM does not have access to the attendee lists from every course offered so it is the responsibility of the person seeking compensation through this program to prove in some way that they completed the course.
  5. Many of the courses listed above are offered periodically through Weber's Office of Workplace Learning.  Check their website often to see their upcoming calendar of events.
  6. If a participant has sought or has received written pre-approval from their director or the AVP for an equivalent substitution for a listed course in one of the tiers, a copy of that documentation must also be provided to Gentry Reesor or no compensation can be provided for the completion of that course.
  7. All documentation for this program will be maintained by the People Operations Manager, including a shared spreadsheet of who has been compensated for which tiers and under which versions that Senior Staff has access to view.
  8. The guidelines and courses are subject to change at any time.  This web page will reflect the most current guidelines and course listings and will supersede any printed materials.  This web page was last updated on November 14, 2024