Day-of-Event Signs
Day-of-event signs are yard signs that are displayed on the day a 日本一级片 organizational event is happening on a 日本一级片 campus.
Please review all day-of-event sign rules and specifications before posting and installing signs.
Maximum size: 25" wide x 19" high
Maximum # of signs allowed: 5
Acceptable materials: Corrugated plastic or vinyl on 9-guage metal “H” stake
Maximum display time: From 6 a.m. the day of the event until event conclusion
Display location options: Within 50 ft. of event location
Reservation/permission required? No
Day-of-event yard signs may be posted by campus organizations or departments only.
The signs can be put out as early as 6 a.m. and must be taken down at the end of each day.
Each event is limited to 5 yard signs.
Signs must be directional in nature.
Signage must be within 50 ft. of the building where the event is taking place.
Any signs not removed by 7 a.m. the day after the event’s conclusion will be collected and disposed of by the building steward.