Procedure for Issing Parking Passes at the FM Front Desk

Procedure Number: 
Issue Date: March 23, 2022
Last Revision Date:


This document details the process Facilities Management will follow to issue parking passes to contractors.



PPM 5-34 Vehicle Registration and Parking

Parking Services Department



The Parking Services department has the authority to issue official parking permits for Weber State.  They have allowed Facilities Management the opportunity to pre-purchase day-use parking permits in bulk to be issued to our contractors or vendors for up to two days at a time.  These parking permits will be stored at the FM Front Desk in the Campus Services building and will be issued utilizing the following procedure:

  • The following positions have authority to approve the issuance of a day-use parking pass by the FM Front Desk staff:

    • Associate Vice President for Facilities and Campus Planning

    • Director

    • Project Manager

    • Superintendent or Manager

  • The following information must be provided to the FM Front Desk for each parking permit requested (this can be provided via email to or over the phone):

    • Name of person using permit.

    • Name of company that person works for.

    • Issue date and expiration date (remember, this cannot be more than two days and Parking Services prefers that it only be one).

    • Name of parking lot(s) where they will be parking.

  • The Front Desk staff will write the following information on each parking pass in thick, black marker:

    • Parking lot number(s) on the designated line.

    • Date(s) (not more than two days) on the designated line.

    • Their initials in the lower right hand corner of the permit in case Parking Services has any questions about that specific permit.

  • The Front Desk staff will record all relevant information regarding issued permits in the shared spreadsheet in Google Drive immediately upon issuing a permit.

  • If the Front Desk staff issues more than 10 permits in any one day, they will call Parking Services (x 6533) and notify them of this increased demand for parking in a certain area of campus as it may negatively impact current permit holders (i.e. students, faculty, and staff).


If a contractor or vendor needs a parking permit for more than one or two days, permits must be issued through Parking Services and not the FM Front Desk. Permits issued through Parking Services can be paid for by FM using an index, or the contractor or vendor can pay for them with a credit card (this decision is up to the discretion of the person within FM who is working with that particular contractor or vendor).


Current parking permit prices through Parking Services are as follows:

  • $3.00 for a single day

  • $10.00 for a week

  • $84 for a semester

  • $129 for a year

  • There may be monthly rates available, when requested by an FM Manager.



Responsible Department: FM Business Services