
Android Onboarding Video Guide

The following video describes how to onboard an Android device:

Android Onboarding Troubleshooting

The following fix can help with Android onboarding problems:

PROBLEM: eduroam is not working after upgrading to Android 12.
TO FIX: Uninstall and reinstall the JoinNow MultiOS app from the Play Store, then proceed through the onboarding process again at .


PROBLEM: After installing the onboarding app, the app opens and hangs at a 'downloading configuration' screen.
TO FIX: Go back to the browser and click the JoinNow button again which should then re-open the onboarding app and properly configure it.  Proceed through the app to finish onboarding.


PROBLEM: Eduroam is not automatically connecting after completing the onboarding tool.
TO FIX: Forget eduroam in W-Fi settings and let eduroam auto-connect again.