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Our Mission:

The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness is to guide academic accountability, analysis and reporting that informs academic quality, strategic planning and accreditation processes focused on improving the student experience and student success for all students.

We fulfill this mission by:

  • Consulting with all units that award academic credentials or offer course designations, (such as general education or high impact course attributes), in developing, measuring and analyzing learning and performance outcomes with the goal of continuous improvement and a culture of evidence.
  • Supporting the access and use of both aggregated and disaggregated data for analysis to help departments make informed decisions about student learning.
  • Supporting an process through which departments and programs document efforts of continuous improvement and accountability.
  • Providing training and consultation that help faculty leverage existing technologies to support rigorous assessment processes that are appropriate for all learners.

Contact Information

Gail Niklason

Executive Director

Courtnee Goodwin

Assessment Coordinator

Shawn Berry

Analytic and Tool Support Specialist