Economics is a social science that provides general analysis of decision making where resource constraints are present. Economics provides a logical framework that allows analysis of decisions on the personal, firm, societal and global level. Frequently, this analysis is conducted by drawing on mathematical and statistical reasoning.
Students have a choice between six degrees in Business Economics and General Economics. Students with a bachelor's degree in Business Economics are generally prepared to take entry level jobs in any area of business, but are particularly prepared for jobs that call for data analysis, pricing, purchasing, and report writing. Business economists are often employed in private business firms in the financial, retailing, and industrial sectors. A degree in Quantitative Economics prepares students for graduate studies in economics, but also for high-level analysis work as an actuary. International Economics and International Business Economics degrees prepare students for jobs in international settings or in multinational corporations.
A degree in Economics is also regarded by graduate schools as excellent preparation for advanced work toward an MBA, advanced degrees in other business related disciplines such as human resource management, public administration, finance, and international business, and law
Contact Information:
Gavin Roberts, Ph.D.
Weber State University
1337 Edvalson Street Dept. 3807
Ogden, UT 84408
Wattis Building, Room 232
(801) 648-9535