Emergency Healthcare


  • Mission Statement

    The mission of the Department of Emergency Care & Rescue is to provide competent entry-level EMS providers to serve the medical needs of the Intermountain West.  The program strives to utilize the latest in technology to deliver high quality BLS and ALS programs on the main campus and in the extended campus. A continuous quality improvement process is utilized to monitor success of the graduates and guide program development.
     Program Vision Statement:

    • The Emergency Care and Rescue Program prepares EMS graduates to perform as health care professionals providing prehospital emergency care under the command of a physician, to sub-acute and acutely ill or injured patients. Paramedics and EMT-Basics have special, well-defined skills and knowledge in prehospital emergency care, are concerned for others, and place complete attention to all assigned tasks in order to promote the well-being of others.

    Program Core Values:

    • Community: Students will provide medical care to the community under the supervision of clinical and field internship preceptors.  
    • Learning: The program will provide a superior educational experience for our students, which will exemplify our commitment to the community.   


    Articulation With 日本一级片 Core Themes:

    • Access: The paramedic program is offered in a two semester campus day program or a 4 semester evening extended campus model.  The extended campus model uses live video streaming to rural training centers. The program will provide a superior educational experience for our students which will exemplify our commitment to the community. As advocates of our students, and our patients, we believe our students will achieve EMS excellence using the critical thinking and assessment based management process through the integration of:
    • Anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology
    • Thorough and appropriate patient assessment
    • Determination of a field or paramedic differential diagnosis
    • Implementation of a treatment plan using national and local standards and protocols
    • The program will always insure both instructional quality and student safety in the classroom, skill lab, clinical and field internship environments. The faculty desire that all students succeed to be safe and competent EMS providers. The program will provide a superior educational experience for our students which will exemplify our commitment to the community.

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.