Master of Health Administration
- Mission, Vision, and Values
Our mission is to equip working healthcare professionals with the competencies required to advance their healthcare careers.
Our program emphasizes its strong competency base and utilizes a hybrid delivery model to provide a comprehensive learning experience for students. Based on a model that promotes life-long learning, our program empowers students by providing the knowledge and skills necessary for continued career progression.
Our vision is to be recognized as the program of choice by our students, alumni, and healthcare industry stakeholders.
Learning through personalized experiences
Access to learning
Respect for people and ideas
Nurturing the potential within each student - Student Learning Outcomes
- Graduate Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Associate Degree (Not Applicable)
- Masters Degree
Personal Development Domain:
- Communication: The competency includes things such as executive proficiency in written and oral communication, the ability to communicate across disciplines, and to project a professional business presence both individually and as a representative of one’s organization.
- Relationship Management: This competency includes things such as the ability to develop positive collaborative relationships with peers, subordinates, and superiors within and across organizations, and to lead and work with teams effectively. In addition it includes the demonstration of emotional intelligence.
- Critical and Creative Thinking: This competency includes things such as the ability to seek and use qualitative and quantitative information, developing insight, and using these to achieve the mission, vision, and goals of one’s organization. In addition, it includes the ability to understand and lead transformational innovation.
- Professionalism: This competency includes things such as a sense of personal accountability and the ability to assume risk and responsibility. It also includes an orientation to the development of a life-long learning agenda and a commitment to ethical conduct and personal growth.
Professional Development Domain:
- Healthcare Leadership: This competency requires a deep and broad understanding of the industry; both its clinical and administrative aspects. It includes the masterful application of skills such as transparency, decision making, leading and managing change, being a role model, mentoring, and developing the talent of subordinates.
- Law, Policy, and Governance: This competency includes things such as the ability to accurately assess and work within the external political, legal, and regulatory environment. It requires an understanding of healthcare policy and its impact on the health of individuals and of populations. In addition, it includes the ability to navigate internal organizational dynamics, and to participate in governance of the organization.
- Community Awareness and Population Health: This competency requires the management of populations of peoples’ health and includes things such as the ability to investigate population health characteristics and to participate in improving population health in the local community. It also includes attentiveness to the ecological and social factors that influence health behaviors.
Applied Skills Domain:
- Human Resources Management: This competency includes things such as the ability to ethically lead and manage the human resources processes needed for effective staffing in the operation of a healthcare organization.
- Financial Management: This competency includes things such as the ability interpret financial and accounting documents, plan and execute budgets, make capital investment decisions, and to articulate and implement executive fiduciary responsibilities.
- Information Technology: This competency includes things such as the ability to recognize critical elements of information technology, to participate in the management of the acquisition and implementation of information systems and personnel, and to use information technology for decision support.
- Performance Improvement and Quality Management: This competency requires a rudimentary understanding of the clinical environment and the use of an evidence based approach to care, management, and risk management. It includes things such as the ability to use quality and systems tools to measure, promote, and to implement quality improvement initiatives in clinical and administrative partnerships within healthcare organizations.
- Strategic Management: This competency includes things such as the ability to conduct external and internal environmental analyses, to apply the principles of strategy formulation, implementation, and control, and to develop corporate strategy, market research, and planning.
- Graduate Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Curriculum Grid
- Program and Contact Information
The MHA program at Weber State University is designed to meet the needs of working healthcare professionals and to prepare them for advancing leadership roles in the healthcare industry. Firmly grounded in the development of three overarching domains: Personal, Professional, and Applied Skills, the program fosters self-development, critical thinking and life-long learning.
Full-time students can complete the MHA or the eMHA in two academic years. All courses in the campus MHA are offered in a hybrid, face-to-face/online, 8 week format. In the eMHA format students complete coursework a robust online learning environment. The competencies and course schedule is the same for both formats. MHA and eMHA courses are taught by an optimum blend of academic professors and working healthcare executives and culminate in a real-time final project resulting in a deliverable of importance and measurable value to healthcare organizations.
Contact Information:
Dr. Darcy Carter
Weber State University
3959 Stadium Drive, Dept. 3911
Ogden, UT 84408-3911
IE 210A
(801) 626-7549
- Assessment Plan
MHA Outcomes
Healthcare managers must demonstrate the following skills and competencies
How Assessed
Measurement and achievement of the 12 competencies
Indirect: Student self-assessment, 5 point scale competency document
Direct: Preceptor assessment, 5 point scale competency document
Student self-assess three different times
MHA 6000,
(beginning of the program)
MHA 6400,
MHA 6500
(end of program)
After the fieldwork project the preceptor assesses competency attainment
Fieldwork (MHA 6500)
All students
Fieldwork preceptors
Outcome 1. Communication
Direct: Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6000, MHA 6250, MHA 6320, MHA 6400, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 2.
Relationship Management
Direct: Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6000, MHA 6240, MHA 6400, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 3. Critical and Creative Thinking
Direct: Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6200, MHA 6240, MHA 6249, MHA 6250, MHA 6350, MHA 6400, MHA 6440, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 4. Professionalism
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA MHA 6250, MHA 6320, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 5.
Healthcare Leadership
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6000, MHA 6100, MHA6350, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 6.
Law, Policy, and Governance
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6300, MHA 6320, MHA 6440
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 7. Community
Awareness and Population Health
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6000, MHA 6200, MHA 6300, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 8.
Human Resources Management
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6240, MHA 6440, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 9. Financial Management
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6249, MHA 6250, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 10.
Information Technology
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6200, MHA 6350, MHA 6450
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 11.
Performance Improvement and Quality Management
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6240, MHA 6300, MHA 6450, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
Outcome 12. Strategic Management
Canvas outcomes embedded in the Signature Assignment (SA) for each course, 5 point competency scale
MHA 6350, MHA 6400, MHA 6450, MHA 6500
Professor assigns each student a level of competency in the rubric for the SA
- Assessment Report Submissions
2019-20 - No report submitted
- Program Review
This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.