Health Science
- Mission Statement
Division of College Services:
- The mission of the Dumke College of Health Professions Division of College Services is to provide academic programs, foundation support courses, learning resources and admission and career counseling. These services support students, faculty and staff learning and promote healthy lifestyles. The Division of College Services includes the Health Sciences Department, the Admissions/Advisement Office, and Career Counseling.
Health Sciences:
- The mission of the Department is to facilitate the foundational learning that empowers individuals to be successful health professionals. We are committed to providing experiences that promote hands-on learning, critical thinking, interprofessional collaboration, evidence-based problem solving, and ethical and compassionate patient care. Course experiences are provided in a variety of formats, at affordable costs, and with measurable learning outcomes to ensure opportunities for success among all student populations. Students completing the rigorous health science courses will enter their chosen health professions program with effective study habits and a solid foundation of how the human body works.
Admissions/Advisement Office:
- The mission of the Dumke College of Health Professions Admissions/Advisement Office is to provide quality support to students, faculty and staff in the following areas: applicant recruitment, applicant admissions processing, general education advisement as well as individualized student academic advising, course planning, and applicant preparation.
Career Counseling:
- The mission of the Dumke College of Health Professions Career Counseling Office is to cultivate students' educational, personal and career development; to assist with the decision to apply for a degree program; and the successful transition from higher education to the world of work.
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Associate Degree
Fall 2024 update: We worked to overhaul several of our courses and have yet to update the learning outcomes in Canvas. Therefore, we were unable to pull data for the majority of these courses. We intend to revisit our department and course learning outcomes to assess their relevance and applicability. After this analysis, we will code them into our courses in Canvas which will allow us to gather the applicable data to assess their completion.
The Department of Health Sciences has four broad learning outcomes that apply to courses in the program. These are:
- Students will demonstrate content knowledge of human body systems
- Students will demonstrate understanding of medical terminology and fluency in medical English
- Students will demonstrate understanding of the relationship between normal human physiology and disease
- Students will demonstrate scientific knowledge and skills in scientific reasoning
More specific learning outcomes for students who complete the AS in Health Sciences degree include the following:
- LO1. Evaluate evidence and draw scientific conclusions about natural phenomena. [4]*
- LO2. Give examples of the integration of science across different disciplines. [2]
- LO3. Explain specific interactions between science and society. [3]
- LO4. Employ problem solving and data analysis tools. [3]
- LO5. Classify levels of organization in humans. [2]
- LO6. Diagram the ways in which human bodies obtain and use energy at the system, cellular, and molecular levels in an effort of maintain homeostasis. [4]
- LO7. Give examples of ways in which genetic processes and evolution act on the human body. [2]
- LO8. Cite the ecological interactions between humans and their environment, which affect human health. [2]
- LO9. Correlate anatomical structures with their physiological functions. [4]
- LO10. Explain how diseases disrupt anatomy and/or physiology. [4]
- LO11. Evaluate probable causes of disease, given a case study. [3]
- LO12. Recognize the meaning of medical words, whether written or spoken. [1]
- LO13. Deconstruct the etymology of medical words. [3]
*Numbers in brackets after each measurable learning outcome indicate its Bloom's Taxonomy level: 1. Remember, 2. Understand, 3. Apply, 4. Analyze, 5. Evaluate, 6. Create. As this is an Associate Degree program, Bloom's levels 1-4 are emphasized most in the curriculum.
- Bachelor Degree (Not Applicable)
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Curriculum Grid
- Program and Contact Information
The Associate of Science in Health Sciences (ASHS) prepares students for entrance into a wide variety of health professions currently housed in the Dumke College of Health Professions (DCHP) such as Dental Hygiene, Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Health Information Systems and Health Administrative Services. It also serves as a preparatory associate's degree for other Weber State University Bachelor of Science majors including: Anthropology, Gerontology, Health Education, Human Performance, Recreation, Social Work, Technical Sales and many Bachelor of Integrated Studies (BIS) programs.
Contact Information:
Travis Price
Weber State University
3875 Stadium Way Dept. 3909
Ogden, UT 84408-3909
Marriott Allied Health Bldg., Room 109B
801-626-8542 - Assessment Plan
Fall 2024 update: The posted Assessment Plan is outdated and needs to be updated to reflect recent course revisions and assessment activities. We will update our learning outcomes and then link them to specific items in Canvas to assess whether learning outcomes are being met or not.
- Assessment Report Submissions
2019-20 - Conducted Program Review
2017 - No Report Submission
2015 - Conducted Program Review - Program Review
This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.