- Mission Statement
The mission of the Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing is to prepare exceptional nursing professionals with the ability to care and advocate for the evolving needs of individuals, families, and society. We collaborate with our partners to provide education that values one another and promote community-centered health.
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Certificates (Not Applicable)
- Associate Degrees
Students completing the Associate of Applied Science Practical to Registered Nursing (PN to RN), Associate of Science PN to RN, and Associate of Science in Nursing degrees will demonstrate:
1. Patient Centered Care: Use nursing knowledge to implement person-centered care by including the person as a full partner in all processes and decisions with respect for differences, preferences, values, and unique needs of the individual. 2. Quality and Safety: Provide safe, quality care by utilizing established and emerging principles that create and maintain a physically and psychologically secure environment. 3. Evidence-based Practice: Make judgments in practice substantiated by evidence that integrates nursing science and knowledge to provide competent care to individuals and families. 4. Social Determinants of Health: Explain the impact of social determinants of health on patient care. 5. Teamwork & Collaboration: Promote intentional, collaborative clinical decision-making with interdisciplinary colleagues through effective team dynamics to optimize health outcomes. 6. Information Literacy: Use information and technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making to provide safe, high-quality healthcare. 7. Professionalism: Cultivate a professional identity by embracing nursing characteristics and values, including honesty, civility, accountability, compassion, ethics, and integrity. - Bachelor Degree
Students completing the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) degree will demonstrate:
Student Learning Outcomes / Competencies 1. Patient Centered Care: Collaborate with individuals to coordinate unique and dynamic person-centered care. 2. Quality and Safety: Apply quality improvement principles to improve healthcare safety. 3. Evidence-based Practice: Integrate reputable evidence into nursing scholarship and practice to improve health outcomes. 4. Social Determinants of Health: Analyze how social determinants of health impact health outcomes for individuals and communities. 5. Teamwork & Collaboration: Collaborate with individuals, teams, and communities to promote optimal health outcomes. 6. Information Literacy: Utilize information technology to communicate and support decision-making in healthcare. 7. Professionalism: Demonstrate advocacy, accountability, and integrity in intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.
- Certificates (Not Applicable)
- Curriculum Grid
- Program and Contact Information
Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN-BSN):
- Intended for registered nurses, our Registered Nurse to Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (RN to BSN) allows you to capitalize on prior education and experience while moving into the professional nurse realm.
Contact InformationAnnie Taylor Dee School of Nursing Chair:
Rieneke Holman, PhD, RN
rienekeholman@weber.eduAssociate Program Director:
Tressa Quayle PhD, RN
tressaquayle@weber.eduRN-BSN Program Director:
Tamara Berghout EdD, RN
- Assessment Plan
Overall Assessment Strategy
The ATD SON evaluates student achievement of learning outcomes, student satisfaction with learning, completion rates, employment rates, and NCLEX pass rates each semester and compiles the data in the Systematic Plan of Evaluation. In addition, each program level reviews courses at least every three years in addition to reviews by the SON curriculum committee. The Evaluation Committee reviews all compiled data and reports at faculty meetings and Community Advisory meetings to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of successes as well as areas for improvement. The Curriculum and Evaluation Committees are comprised of faculty and driven by the faculty.
Annie Taylor Dee School of Nursing Student Learning Assessment Plan
In the ADN and RN-BSN degrees, program-specific outcomes are used to measure student learning. Before Fall 2024, the programs had six end-of-program student learning outcomes (EPSLOs) that were measured (see Table B). Due to changes in national professional guidelines, the SON re-visited their outcomes and made some adjustments. Therefore, beginning in Fall 2024, the programs will have seven EPSLOs. The achievement of each EPSLO is measured in a designated course through Signature Assignments (SAs). The SAs are administered during the last 2 semesters of the program. Our self-chosen goal for SAs achievement is that 85% of students will achieve a passing score (80% or higher). The faculty assess the achievement of learning via the assignment grading rubric. In addition, students are asked to rate their own ability to meet each of the EPSLOs in an end-of-program survey.Timeline
In the ADN and RN-BSN programs, student learning (measured via Signature Assignments) is assessed each semester the courses are taught (in this case, since we run year-round, they are taught in Fall, Spring, & Summer each year).Data Collection & Review
For each course containing an SA, the faculty who teach the course meets at the conclusion of each semester the course is taught to examine student data and trends. In addition, each year in the spring, faculty assess the full year’s worth of student perceptions through survey data.Faculty Engagement
Courses are generally taught by multiple faculty. Each faculty grades the SAs using the same grading rubric to ensure consistency. The faculty reviews the SA data each semester as course teams. All faculty teams meet to discuss the data results each semester and document this in an end-of-semester report. Faculty teams also meet in the spring to assess data and signature assignments at the end of each year. The faculty use this information to make decisions about how to configure SAs in the future. The SON curriculum committee (composed of SON faculty) also reviews courses to determine that the courses’ SAs accurately measure the EPSLOs.
- Annual Assessment Results
2019-20 - Conducted Program Review
- Program Review
This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.