Nutrition Education
- Mission Statement
The department of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (ENS) supports and enhances the mission of the university through learning, access, and community partnerships in exercise and nutrition sciences. We provide effective instruction, exploratory research, and engaged service to prepare exercise, fitness, and nutrition professionals for the workforce and graduate studies to promote optimal health, human performance, and overall well-being. Nutrition students will learn all aspects of nutrition, from diet design to current issues, and prepare for graduate students or a wide range of careers. The Nutrition Education faculty members are committed to providing students with quality academic experiences. Our curriculum develops diverse skills, knowledge, and competencies in nutrition.
The Nutrition Education program has the dual purposes of preparing students for graduate study in nutrition or a related field and/or for employment through collaborative program efforts (integrated academic programs and institutional entities with varied course delivery methods and high impact practices) to ensure timely degree completion. The Sport's Nutrition graduate will be prepared to enter a coordinated Master's program to become a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and will have demonstrated competence and knowledge in chemistry, anatomy, physiology, diet analysis and design, sports and fitness nutrition, diet therapy, nutrition assessment, life cycle nutrition, advanced nutrition and human metabolism, research, and related exercise science topics with cultural application and sensitivity for individuals and athletes. The Integrative Nutrition graduate will support the health and wellbeing of individuals and groups and have demonstrated competence and knowledge in diet analysis and design, life cycle nutrition, fitness nutrition, sustainable cooking, and related exercise science, health, child and family studies, botany, microbiology, physical education, recreation, and/or psychology topics with cultural application and sensitivity. Students will achieve the program's well-defined learning outcomes (based largely on the Society of Nutrition Education and Behavior's competencies) and through community service and/or directed research will promote wellbeing and add to the nutrition science knowledge base. - Student Learning Outcomes
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Associate Degree (Not Applicable)
- Bachelor Degree
Concepts: Students completing the Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Education will have:
- A. Knowledge & Skills to solve nutrition and health related problems.
- B. Integrated & Applied Expertise to educate and communicate for optimal health promotion and human performance.
- C. Personal and Community Responsibility to optimize healthful behaviors of individuals, families, and/or communities through the life cycle with networking, resources, and. Support.
- D. High Impact Experiences from assimilating or engaging in research, group projects, senior capstone work, and/or community-based fieldwork.
Competencies: Students completing the Nutrition Education programs will master nutrition concepts in:- 1. Diet Analysis & Design by performing accurate diet analysis and design according to dietary guidelines for Americans, for health, fitness, and/or sport performance and with comprehensive evaluation, interpretation, and application.
- 2. Nutrient Needs & Functions by gender and activity level for various age groups and health conditions using healthy and sustainable food preparation methods.
- 3. Nutrition Issues & Assessment across cultures and the lifespan, for fitness and sport performance, in culinary science, and for the prevention and treatment of various medical conditions.
- 4. Human Structure and Function by understanding how nutrition intersects with living and nonliving hierarchies within the human body.
1. Sports nutrition graduates will have more emphasis in learning outcomes 3 and 4.2. The Nutrition Education program concepts and competencies are based largely off of the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) Competencies for Promoting Healthy Individuals, Communities, and Food Systems (Available online )
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Curriculum Grid
- Program and Contact Information
The Nutrition Education Program is listed under the College of Education; this is its first assessment report.
- The Department of Exercise and Nutrition Science (ENS) in the Jerry & Vickie Moyes College of Education offers programs that teach skills and knowledge needed to maintain and enhance human performance and well-being through exercise, fitness, sport, and optimal nutrition. We offer graduate and undergraduate students exceptional educational experiences in a variety of teaching environments supported by faculty with diverse expertise. Our state-of-the-art facilities — including fully equipped laboratories (biomechanics, human performance, nutritional biochemistry, and foods), a networked computer lab, and ample indoor and outdoor fitness and activity areas — provide outstanding areas for student instruction and research. With a curriculum designed to develop professional knowledge and skills, our graduates are prepared for careers in allied healthcare and to work in a variety of educational, health and fitness settings.
- Through instruction, scholarship and service, our department offers Bachelor of Science degrees in Exercise and Sport Science (Fitness Professional and Exercise Science tracks) and Nutrition Education (Integrative Nutrition and Sports Nutrition tracks) and a Nutrition Education minor. We also support the efforts of undergraduates seeking Departmental Honors and/or the Bachelor of Integrated Studies degree, offering Exercise Science and Nutrition Education and as emphases for the BIS Program.
- Nutrition Education majors study nutrition for food values, diet design, health, cultural sensitivity, lifespan, fitness and current issues. Studies will also be tailored to the area of concentration.
- Integrative Nutrition: In this concentration, which can be completed fully online, you will study several nutrition topics related to diet analysis and design, sustainable cooking, the life cycle, multicultural nutrition, fitness, and current issues, as well as, integrate your knowledge and expertise by completing elective courses in selected related disciplines like botany, child and family studies, communications, exercise and sport science, health, microbiology, physical education, psychology and/or professional sales. You will obtain field experience and complete a senior seminar.
- Sports Nutrition: In this concentration, you will study diet analysis and design, life cycle and multicultural nutrition, fitness and sports nutrition, diet therapy, nutrition assessment, advanced human nutrition, anatomy, physiology, chemistry and other related subjects in athletic training, exercise and sport science, physical education and/or psychology. You may obtain field and/or research experience and will complete a senior seminar.
Contact Information:Dr. Damon JoynerNutrition Program DirectorWeber State University(801) 626-6627Academic AdvisorHeidi Costello(801) - Assessment Plan
CONCEPTS: At the end of their program of study in nutrition at 日本一级片: Students completing the Nutrition Education programs will have mastered nutrition concepts in four learning outcome areas as assessed by a minimum of two direct methods with four methods of assessment with thresholds established in multiple nutrition program courses. A. Knowledge & Skills to solve nutrition and health related problems. - Method 1: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 2320 exams.
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the comprehensive NUTR 4440 final exam.
- Method 3: 70% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 1020 exams tied to this outcome.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 2020 comprehensive final exam.
B. Integrated & Applied Expertise to educate and communicate for optimal health promotion and human performance. - Method 1: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 3020 Final Case Study Assignment.
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 4320 presentations.
- Method 3: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 1020 Big Question Assignment Part 2: Data Organization and Interpretation.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 1240 cooking demonstration project
C. Personal & Community Responsibility to optimize healthful behaviors of individuals, families, and/or communities through the life cycle with networking, resources, and support. - Method 1: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 1020 Big Question Part 3: Signature Assignment Conclusive Essay.
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 3420 major project research paper.
- Method 3: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 2320 exam questions tied to this outcome.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 2220, 2420, and/or 2020 community observation assignments.
D. High Impact Experiences from assimilating or engaging in research, group projects, senior capstone work, and/or community-based fieldwork. - Method 1: 90% of NUTR 1240 students will engage in hands-on nutrition and sustainable cooking and earn a 70% or better score in their cooking demonstration assignment.
- Method 2: 90% of NUTR 4520 directed research students will earn a course grade of 70% or better.
- Method 3: 90% of NUTR 4830 directed readings students will earn a course grade of 70% or better.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 2020 lifecycle community observation project.
COMPETENCIES: Students completing the Nutrition Education programs will have mastered nutrition competencies in four areas as assessed by a minimum of two direct methods with four to six methods of assessment with thresholds established in multiple nutrition program courses (see below) 1. Diet Analysis & Design by performing accurate diet analysis and design according to dietary guidelines for Americans, for health, fitness, and/or sport performance and with comprehensive evaluation, interpretation, and application. - Method 1: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 2320 Diet Design Assignment 4.
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 3020 Athlete Full Case Study 3 assignment.
- Method 3: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 1020 Big Question Part 1: Data Collection assignment.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 1240 Recipe Modification assignment.
2. Nutrient Needs & Functions by gender and activity level for various age groups and health conditions using healthy and sustainable food preparation methods. - Method 1: 70% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 1020 exam questions tied to this outcome
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the NUTR 1240 Recipe Modification assignment.
- Method 3: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 2020 case studies tied to this outcome.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 3040 exams 4, 5 and 6.
3. Nutrition Issues & Assessment across cultures and the lifespan, for fitness and sport performance, in culinary science, and for the prevention and treatment of various medical conditions. - Method 1: 80% of students will score 75% or better on the NUTR 3040 final exam.
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 3420 exams.
- Method 3: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 2020 case studies tied to this outcome.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 3040 case studies tied to this outcome.
4. Human Structure and Function by understanding how nutrition intersects with living and nonliving hierarchies within the human body. - Method 1: 70% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 1020 exams tied to this outcome.
- Method 2: 80% of students will score 70% or better on the comprehensive NUTR 4440 final exam.
- Method 3: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 4420 exams 1 and 4.
- Method 4: 80% of students will score 70% or better on NUTR 2320 exams tied to this outcome.
Assessment of Graduating Students
Assessment of graduating students in our program befalls on Nutrition Field Experience (NUTR 4860), Senior Seminar (NUTR 4990), and Current issues of Nutrition (NUTR 4320). Each of those courses has instruments that collect information on student competencies and gather feedback on strengths and weaknesses within our curriculum and program.
At the end of the Nutrition Field Experience course, we receive an evaluation from the preceptor on the experience of working with the Nutrition Education student intern. This information is shared with faculty and utilized to create strategies in our curriculum to address it.
During the Senior Seminar course, students are required to complete two key assignments: 1) Create a resume and cover letter directed to a nutrition-related job, and 2) Complete a mock interview. The faculty assess the student's ability to answer and communicate nutrition competency-related questions during the mock interview. For the resume and cover letter, the ability to utilize adequate writing skills and jargon for a nutrition position is also assessed.
Finally, our Current Issues of Nutrition course is centered on assessing each student's ability to research, write and communicate a nutrition-related topic utilizing evidence-based information. At the end of the course, the student capstone project is evaluated on all 8 Nutrition Education Program (NEP) Measurable Learning Outcomes: Concepts and Competencies (Appendix G). Data from NEP Learning Outcomes Score Extra Credit assignments will serve to identify deficiencies in specific Concepts and Competencies. - Assessment Report Submissions
- Program Review
This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.