Product Design Development
- Mission Statement
The PDD Program at Weber State University will be a growing, nationally recognized, program offering ABET Accredited BS degrees that afford faculty and students opportunities for intellectual and personal growth. We will prepare students to demonstrate professional competence within the discipline and serve the needs of the design in mechanical/manufacturing, service, and public sectors of Utah and throughout the nation.
Our Industrial Advisory Board is the primary/key constituency to review of Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes in an annual meeting. Any changes will be discussed in the meeting, and any newly approved changes will be documented in the meeting minutes which will be reflected on the program website. Then an annual survey is sent to all PDD-majored students to approve the new changes on Program Educational Objectives and Student Outcomes.
ABET Required Program Educational Objectives
1. Prepare graduates with knowledge, problem solving ability, and hands on skills to enter careers in drafting and basic design of mechanical components and systems.
2. Graduates of associate degree programs shall have competency in drafting, including at least one commercial CAD software package appropriate to the program objectives.
3. Baccalaureate degree graduates are prepared with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to enter careers in applied mechanical design. - Student Learning Outcomes
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Associate Degree
Product Design and Development students will demonstrate:
- 1. An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems in Product Design and Development Engineering Technology related to applied mechanical design using advanced software tools and techniques.
- 2. An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined engineering problems in Product Design and Development Engineering Technology.
- 3. An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes
- 4. An ability to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams
- 5. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature
Graduates of associate degree programs must demonstrate knowledge and technical competency appropriate to the objectives of the program in:
- (a) Engineering materials, applied mechanics, and manufacturing methods.
- (b) Applied drafting practice emphasizing mechanical components and systems, as well as fundamentals of descriptive geometry, orthographic projection, sectioning, tolerancing and dimensioning, and basic computer aided drafting and design with technical depth in at least one of these areas.
- (c) The application of physics and engineering materials having an emphasis in applied mechanics, or in-depth application of physics having emphasis in mechanical components and design.
- Bachelor Degree
Product Design and Development students will demonstrate:
- 1. An ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills and modern tools of mathematics, science, engineering, and technology to solve broadly defined engineering problems in Product Design and Development Engineering Technology related to applied mechanical design using advanced software tools and techniques.
- 2. An ability to design systems, components, or processes meeting specified needs for broadly defined engineering problems in Product Design and Development Engineering Technology.
- 3. An ability to conduct standard tests, measurements, and experiments and to analyze and interpret the results to improve processes
- 4. An ability to function effectively as a member as well as a leader on technical teams
- 5. An ability to apply written, oral, and graphical communication in broadly defined technical and non-technical environments; and an ability to identify and use appropriate technical literature
Graduates of baccalaureate degree programs, in addition to outcomes required of associate degree graduates, must demonstrate competency in the application of manuals, handbooks, material and/or equipment specifications, and related software in advanced drafting/design. Competency in the application of current codes and standards must be demonstrated with open-ended design experiences that integrate materials, manufacturing, design analysis, or graphics. Understanding of concepts relating to the environmental and economic impacts of design must also be demonstrated. Graduates must also demonstrate competency in:
- (d) Design of machine elements, advanced drafting including current three-dimensional computer representations as related to mechanical design, and manufacturing methods. Advanced proficiency must be demonstrated in at least three drafting / design related areas, consistent with the technical orientation of the program.
- (e) The in-depth application of physics and engineering materials having emphasis in drafting, manufacturing, and design of mechanical components.
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Curriculum Grid
- Program and Contact Information
The PDD program is designed to prepare the student for professional employment in the design, service, or public sectors. The PDD program is based on fundamental engineering knowledge, skills, and processes; including: drafting and design of mechanical/manufacturing components, 3D mechanical modeling and 2D technical drawings, metal forming, casting, welding, tool design, photoshop and rapid prototyping.
Students complete a year-long senior project with a team that brings together their experience and education. The senior projects help the student gain confidence in their abilities while gaining additional insight and skills in both teamwork and human relations.
The design portion of the emphasis provides the knowledge and skills required to fulfill a number of career roles that focus on product design and development process. Concepts that are introduced throughout the curriculum include: professional 3D modeling and 2D technical drawings, understanding of manufacturability of different materials and effective technical communication skills.
Contact Information:Megumi Usui
Weber State University
1447 Edvalson St. Dept 1802
Ogden, UT 84408-1802
Engineering Technology Bldg, Room 214L
(801) 626-6951 - Assessment Plan
Due to the program name change, we had a site visit with ABET on September 30th, 2019. Based on their review, our weaknesses are solved. The final result of this evaluation will be released in July 2020.
Preplanned agenda items for systematic review of Program Educational Objectives (PEOs – ABET requirements)
- Spring 2020 and Fall 2020: CSWA certification exam will be required in PDD 2460 to assess students’ continuous improvement in SolidWorks skills and understanding.
- Spring 2020: CSWP certification exam will be required in PDD 2650 to assess students’ continuous improvement in SolidWorks advanced skills and understanding.
Student learning outcomes are related to PEOs and will be assessed routinely every year. They are reported to the Industrial Advisory Committee and PDD faculty and the MSE Department Chair. Supporting material for the assessment will be stored by the Program Coordinator. All metric assessment date will be stored for six years (relevant to the next ABET review cycle). Classroom artifacts that support curriculum requirements for ABET will be collected the year prior to ABET assessment, or as requested for regional accreditation. - Assessment Report Submissions
2016 - No report submitted2015 - No report submitted
- Program Review
This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.