Radiologic Science


  • Mission Statement

    The mission statement for the Radiologic Sciences Program incorporates the philosophy of the program and is as follows.

    • The mission of the Weber State University Radiologic Sciences Program is to adhere to the mission and goals of the University and the Dumke College of Health Professions in serving the needs of the medical community and assisting the students in the development of their potential as technologists and as human beings. 

    Goals stemming from the mission statement are:

    • The primary educational goal of the Radiologic Sciences Program is to use resources to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to live effectively and to provide the knowledge, skills and judgment needed to render quality health care services.
    • A second goal is to broaden the students’ knowledge within the professional discipline and to maintain professional competency through a desire to participate in life-long learning.


    Objectives to assist in attaining the mission and goals are to:

    • Maintain curricula based on current practices and a competency-based clinical evaluation system.
    • Integrate the didactic and clinical educational components to promote effective learning.
    • Promote a sense of professionalism and a desire to learn through role-modeling, mentoring and teaching practices.
    • Instill an appreciation of racial, cultural and human diversity.
    • Advocate the value of human dignity and ethical conduct.


    Mission Statement Consistency:

    • The Radiologic Sciences Program mission statement, goals and objectives are integral to the mission statement of Weber State University (日本一级片) and the Dumke College of Health Professions.  For example, 日本一级片 is committed to offering both vocational and professional educational programs to prepare students for immediate employment or further study.  The Radiologic Sciences Program cluster is based upon a career ladder concept which provides lateral and/or vertical career mobility; the curriculum is designed to introduce new concepts and technological advances in medical imaging and radiation therapy;  transmission of values and learning in the affective domain are incorporated into the curriculum throughout the program to promote the maintenance of human dignity; critical or analytical thinking and writing are stimulated through classroom interactions, assignments, research and projects; problem-solving skills are refined in the clinical education setting, in the laboratories, as well as the classroom; students are encouraged to attend professional society meetings, lectures and cultural activities to expand their knowledge; and students are given projects which are designed to stimulate life-long education and self-development.

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.