Rehabilitation Sciences
- Mission Statement
The mission of the Weber State University Rehabilitation Sciences Program is to provide a quality educational and pre-professional clinical experience for students. Students are presented with didactic and psychomotor experiences that will lead them to being able to exercise sound ethical judgment. The coursework and internships will prepare them to enter professional graduate programs in athletic training, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant programs, or medicine.
- Student Learning Outcomes
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Associate Degree (Not Applicable)
- Bachelor Degree
The Athletic Therapy major has been phased out in the Spring 2021 semester and replaced by the Rehabilitation Sciences Major, which launched in Summer 2021. With this change, the student learning outcomes have been revised along with the curriculum grid.
Student Learning Outcomes:
At the end of their study at 日本一级片, students in the Rehabilitation Sciences (BS) program will have a solid foundation in:1. Employ effective communication to appropriately care for a diverse patient population.
2. Implement evaluation techniques in the assessment of patients and formulate a clinical impression for the determination of a patients' plan of care.
3. Provide immediate care and administer therapeutic interventions to recondition patients for safe performance and function.
4. Educate patients in proper performance of exercise techniques to minimize risk during rehabilitation.
5. Identify and implement professional management practices and guidelines to ensure personal and organizational well-being.
6. Engage in critical appraisal of clinical research to advance the students' knowledge and provide quality care to their patients.
- Certificate (Not Applicable)
- Curriculum Grid
- Program and Contact Information
As a Rehabilitation Science major, you'll prepare for graduate studies in athletic training, physical therapy, occupational therapy, physician's assistant, chiropractic, or medicine while gaining a strong foundation in orthopedics and working one-on-one with health care professionals. Students who graduate from this program will not be eligible to take the Board of Certification (BOC) exan to become a Certified Athletic Trainer.
In May 2021, the Athletic Therapy major was renamed Rehabilitation Sciences. Alongside this change, the program curriculum was also revised. Any undeclared students who are interested in this degree field should declare Rehabilitation Sciences as their major and pursue this new program of study. Students who declared Athletic Therapy as their major prior ro May 2021 will be allowed to continue the former curriculum of the Athletic Therapy program. These students will have until Summer 2025 to fulfill the graduation requirements. After that time, the Athletic Therapy program will expire, and any remaining Athletic Therapy majors will automatically be transitioned to Rehabilitation Sciences majors.
Contact Information:
Dr. Conrad Gabler *
Rehabilitation Sciences Program Director
Weber State University
3992 Central Campus Dr
Ogden, UT 84408-3504
(801) 626-8831Rehabilitation Sciences Program Website
* Dr. Valerie Herzog will serve as interim program director from January 2023 - January 2024
- Assessment Plan
Student Learning Outcomes (Direct Assessment)
Outcomes Measures Criterion / Threshold / Benchmark 1. Employ effective communication to appropriately care for a diverse patient population. 1. RHS 4890: Midterm Student Performance Evaluation
2. RHS 4890: Final Student Performance Evaluation1. 90% of students will score a 70% or higher on the Human Relations and Communication sections of the Midterm Student Performance Evaluation in RHS 4890.
2. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the Human Relations and Communication sections of the Final Student Performance Evaluation in RHS 4890.2. Implement evaluation techniques in the assessment of patients and formulate a clinical impression for the determination of a patients' plan of care. 1. RHS 3300: Evaluation podcast final project
2. RHS 3301: Evaluation podcast final project1. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for the evaluation podcast final project in RHS 3300.
2. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for the evaluation podcast final project in RHS 3301.3. Provide immediate care and administer therapeutic interventions to recondition patients for safe performance and function. 1. RHS 4150: Midterm oral/practical exam
2. RHS 4150: Final Oral/practical exam1. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for the Midterm oral/practical exam in RHS 4150.
2. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for the Final oral/practical skills exam in RHS 4150.4. Educate patients in proper performance of exercise techniques to minimize risk during rehabilitation. 1. RHS 4250: Skills labs
2. RHS 4250: Rehabilitation plan1. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on all labs in RHS 4250.
2. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the Rehab Plan assignment in RHS 4250.5. Identify and implement professional management practices and guidelines to ensure personal and organizational well-being. 1. RHS 4650: Facility design project
2. RHS 4650: Policy and Procedures Manual
3. RHS 4890: Final Student Performance Evaluation1. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for the facility design project in RHS 4650.
2. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for the development of a policy and procedure manual in RHS 4650.
3. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the Profession Orientation section of the Final Student Performance Evaluation in RHS 4890.6. Engage in critical appraisal of clinical research to advance the students' knowledge and provide quality care to their patients. 1. RHS 4150: Ignite Presentation
2. RHS 4250: Written annotated bibliography1. 90% of students will score an 80% or higher on the rubric for Ignite Presentation in RHS 4150.
2. 90% of students will earn an 80% or better on the written annotated bibliography.Program Effectiveness Outcomes (Indirect Assessment)
Outcomes Measures Criterion / Threshold / Benchmark 1. Prepare competent students to enter professional graduate programs in health care. 1. Graduate school placement rate via the Graduation Exit Survey
2. Preparation rating via the Graduation Exit Survey1. 80% of graduates will gain acceptance into a graduate school within 2 years of graduating from the RHS program.
2. Graduates will rate an average of 70/100 on how well the program prepared them for applying to graduate programs.2. Equip culturally competent students with foundational knowledge to prepare them for a career following graduate school. 1. Preparation rating via the Alumni Follow-up Survey
2. Employment rate via the Alumni Follow-up Survey1. Graduates will rate an average of 70/100 on how well the program prepared them to succeed in graduate school.
2. 70% of graduates will be employed in their chosen field within 2 years of completing their graduate degree. - Assessment Report Submissions
2019-20 - Conducted Program Review
- Program Review
This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.