Records and Access Management

University Records are governed by a variety of laws, including the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g (“FERPA”), the Government Records Access and Management Act (“GRAMA”), Utah Code Ann. Section 63G-2-101, et. seq., and other privacy laws. All data owned by the university must be retained, disclosed, managed and disposed of in accordance with these laws and university policies. 

All records requests must be in writing and sent to the following: 

University Records Officer
Weber State University
3850 Dixon Parkway, Dept 1014
Ogden, UT 84408-1014

or emailed to

Requestors should use the following form to make a request: GRAMA Request for Records PDF

The request shall include the requester's name and signature, mailing address, daytime telephone number, e-mail address if available, the date of the request and a description of the record requested that identifies the record with reasonable specificity. Requests must include the fee as required under the fee section of this policy. Requesters of nonpublic information shall adequately identify themselves and their status prior to receiving access to nonpublic records. 

Retention of Records

The university follows the retention schedule approved by the State Records Committee, found . For the retention of any record not found under the university’s approved retention schedule, the university follows the