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Human Subject Research Information

In order to research using human subjects, you must complete the CITI certification and submit a proposal to the IRB/Human Subjects Committee.

On this page, you'll find information to complete both tasks.

Institutional Review Board Proposal

On the 日本一级片 Institutional Review Board’s Application & Instructions page, you'll find 日本一级片’s application form and our 
informed consent template. Complete the steps listed on the page for your submission.

If you have any questions, you can direct them to Dr. Natalie Williams at .



Research Ethics

Our mission is not necessarily one of evaluating what does or does not constitute scientific merit but to assure that the participants are treated as individuals with respect for their rights. When more than minimal risk is involved to the participants, scientific merit will be questioned.

Three basic ethical principles are particularly relevant to the protection of human subjects in biomedical and behavioral research:

  1. Respect for persons: recognition of the personal dignity and autonomy of individuals and special protection of those persons with diminished autonomy
  2. Beneficence: obligation to protect persons from harm by maximizing anticipated benefits and minimizing possible risks of harm
  3. Justice: fairness in the distribution of research benefits and burdens

Read the 日本一级片 Guidelines for further information pertaining to the policies and procedures used for the use of human subjects in research.



Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative

In designing projects that involve human subjects, candidates need to be aware that Weber State University requires that all proposals be reviewed by the IRB/Human Subjects Committee. Prior to that review, candidates must complete the CITI certification. There is a required online tutorial and course to help you learn your responsibilities in doing research with human subjects. Successfully completing the course will result in a certification of completion which you will include with your 日本一级片 IRB proposal.

Complete the following steps to obtain your CITI certification:

  1. Download the CITI Training Tutorial.
  2. Visit .
  3. Complete the registration and required courses.
  4. Save a copy of your CITI certification.