Fringe Benefits
No. 3-45 Rev. 9-2-14 Date 3-15-78
PPM 3-41, Early Retirement Programs
PPM 3-42, Tuition Benefits
PPM 3-43, Insurance Benefits
Full-Time Appointment
This term is used to identify those employees paid on a salary basis (not on an hourly basis), whose appointments are at least nine months in length during each fiscal year and whose appointments are equal to or greater than the equivalent of 100% for nine months or 75% for twelve months.
Fringe or special benefits are available to Weber State University personnel according to the following categories:
A. Salaried faculty, executives, exempt and non-exempt staff having salaried appointments ranging from half-time to full-time.
1. Leave, holiday, vacation, retirement and insurance benefits.*
2. Regular I.D. card privileges including:
a. Bookstore discount
b. Use of physical education facilities
c. Use of Union Building facilities requiring I.D. (movies, bowling, etc.)
d. Discount on certain specified University-sponsored activities and events
e. Borrowing privileges at the Library
f. Regular parking privileges
g. Tuition benefits as defined in PPM 3-42*
*These benefits are prorated for employees in this group who have appointments that are less than full-time. Faculty do not earn vacation.
3. An activity card for the spouse of the salaried employee will be issued, at an appropriate fee, upon request. This card will allow the spouse regular I.D. card privileges.
B. Emeritus faculty, retired non-emeritus faculty and retired staff (to be considered "retired" for purposes of these benefits, the retiree must at the time of retirement have been at least 55 years of age and have served in a full-time capacity for 10 years).
1. Regular I.D. card privileges including:
a. Bookstore discount
b. Use of physical education facilities
c. Use of Union Building facilities requiring I.D. (movies, bowling, etc.)
d. Discount on certain specified University-sponsored activities and events
e. Borrowing privileges at the Library
f. Complimentary parking privileges
g. Tuition benefits as defined in PPM 3-42b
C. Faculty and staff with less than half-time salaried appointments to include adjunct, clinical and other faculty as defined in (not to include hourly employees).
1. Part-time I.D. card privileges including:
a. Bookstore discount
b. Use of physical education facilities
c. Use of Union Building facilities requiring I.D. (movies, bowling, etc.)
d. Discount on certain specified University-sponsored activities and events (basketball and football seating in designated areas)
e. Borrowing privileges at the Library
f. Regular parking privileges
g. Tuition benefits as defined in PPM 3-42a
D. Members of the Board of Trustees
1. Regular I.D. card privileges including:
a. Bookstore discount
b. Use of physical education facilities
c. Use of Union Building facilities requiring I.D. (movies, bowling, etc.)
d. Complimentary tickets for all University-sponsored activities and events
e. Borrowing privileges at the Library
f. Complimentary parking privileges
E. Special privileges similar to those detailed for other categories of University personnel and as deemed appropriate may be given to such other individuals or groups rendering special service to the institution upon approval of the president.
F. Changes in fringe benefits as well as current fringe benefits for regular faculty, emeriti faculty and retired faculty are to be reviewed by the Salary and Annuities Committee of the Faculty Senate.