PPM 4-2a, Modifying Programs or Courses in the Catalog

Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

1.0     PURPOSE

The purpose of this policy is to describe the process to make program and course changes.


2.1 PPM 6-22, Student Code


3.1      Program - a program of curriculum that leads to the completion of a degree, diploma, certificate, or other credential. 

3.2     Program change - any modification to a program which alters the program's requirements for graduation. Examples of program changes include:

  • New courses required for a major, minor, emphasis, or concentration;
  • Modified courses required for a major, minor, emphasis, or concentration;
  • Credit hour changes required for a major, minor, emphasis, or concentration; or
  • Credit hour changes for a course which is required for a major, minor, emphasis concentration.

3.0     POLICY 

3.1 The University reserves the right to modify, add, or remove courses and programs as part of its curriculum. Once the request has met final approval, these changes will be listed in the University catalog. Consistent with PPM 6-22, the University strives to make program changes be well planned, widely communicated, and incorporate an orderly transition from the old to the new.

3.2 The University has one official catalog regardless of distribution format (print, online, pdf, etc.). The content within the catalog will be identical in each format with differences only found due to formatting requirements.

3.3 Program and course changes will be submitted and reviewed by faculty for recommendation in accordance with the process defined in the Curriculum Policy and Procedure Manual.  

3.4 Program changes must be aligned with the academic calendar in order to be included in the catalog for the next semester. Entities should plan submission and approval accordingly.  

3.5 Program discontinuance or program changes that result in elimination of faculty positions must follow the process outlined in PPM 1-15. 

3.5 Programs changes become effective immediately upon final approval.

3.6 Exceptions to this policy may be requested through the Curriculum Committee chair and Faculty Senate chair in consultation with the University Registrar. If approved, it is the responsibility of the academic department to communicate personally the change to each student affected by the change.


Revision History  
Creation Date: 2-25-09
Amended: 5-6-14; 4-27-23; 9-19-24