Lost and Found

No. 5-19    Rev. 09-04-12       Date 8-17-77       



A.  The Shepherd Union Information Center is designated as the central lost and found depository for the University.

Once items are received from individual buildings, the Information Center will log, tag, and store items within 48 hours.

B. Each building will assign a central location to serve as a designated collection points for lost and found items. The representatives in charge of these central locations will turn any unclaimed items over to Parking Services to be taken to the Shepherd Union. 

1.  Each building is responsible for maintaining a Lost and Found Log.  The log template can be obtained from Shepherd Union Administration or Parking Services.

2.  Lost and Found itemss are to be logged and bagged before 10 am on designated bi-weekly pick up days.

    • Parking Services will provide each building with bags designated for Lost and Found.  Please contact Parking Services to receive a stock of bags.
    • Make a duplicate of the log, for the items being sent; attach and seal bag for pick up.

C. Items not claimed from the S hepherd Union Information Center within 90 days become the property of the University.

1.  All credit cards turned in to Lost and Found will be taken to the 日本一级片 Cashier's Office.  For security purposes, the cashier's office will destroy credit cards after two business days per PCI compliance standards.

2.  Wallets, purses and other valuable items will be placed in the safe in the Shepherd Union Business office.

    • If a purse or wallet contains contact information, the Shepherd Union staff will try to contact the person(s) listed.

Individual buildings should also contact the owner of an item, when they are holding the item, if contact information is immediately identifiable.  When contacting the owner, be sure to identify the current location of the item.

  •  If contact information is not available, the items will be held in the safe for 90 days.  Then the contents will be destroyed and the purse/wallet will be donatd with all other items.