Electronic Access Policy

No. 5-44A    Rev. 03-19-19       Date: 9-14-99    




The objective of this policy is to provide a reasonable level of security for the University and, at the same time, allow as much freedom of access as possible to the campus community.



A. Utah Code Ann. §63A-5-501, et. seq.

B. Facilities Management Guidelines for Access Requests



This policy is applicable to all facilities owned, leased, or controlled exclusively by Weber State University.



A. Central Access Manager (CAM): Person responsible for the central control and administration of the central electronic access control system. The CAM position will be filled by the Building Access Manager (Facilities Management), or appointed designee.

B. Area Access Manager (AAM): Person responsible for administering electronic access rights to approved cardholders in specific areas. The AAM position will be determined by the appropriate Vice President or Dean.

C. Electronic Access: Any access rights that are granted through the use of Weber State University Wildcard credentials and administered through the central electronic access control system.

D. Access Level: Any combination of readers. Access levels will be determined by the CAM.

E. Audit Trail History: Reports obtained from the central electronic access control system detailing system usage.

F. Building Access Appeals: Any decision made related to this policy may be appealed. Appeals must be filed within 30 business days of the decision utilizing the form available on the Facilities Management website. An Appeals Officer will review the case and issue a decision within 30 business days.

G. 日本一级片 Personnel: All employees, students, and persons with official assignments with the University, as designated by the appropriate Vice President/Provost.

H. Other Personnel: Anyone who does not fall into the 日本一级片 Personnel category. This includes contractors, consultants, visitors, etc.


A. Access Approval

a. Requests for electronic access will require approval by one or more of the following:

i. Department Head

ii. Supervisor

iii. Dean

iv. Vice President

v. University President

b. No person may authorize his or her own access privileges.

c. The first and second approvers for key and electronic access requests for the President of the University will be the Building Access Manager (Facilities Management) and the Vice President for Administrative Services.

B. Access Request Form

a. All access requests will be granted by the appropriate AAM after a completed building access request is received and approved by the proper authority.

b. Building access requests will be submitted as described in the Facilities Management Guidelines for Access Requests.

C. Electronic Access Issuance

a. AAM software access will be granted by the CAM, after the designee has received the required training.

b. Electronic access use is permitted only in accordance with Weber State University policy.

c. Electronic access credentials (e.g. Wildcards, vendor cards) shall be used only by the individual to whom they are issued. Misuse of cards to gain facility access may result in loss of access or disciplinary action.

d. Electronic access credentials are considered the property of Weber State University and may be confiscated at any time.

e. Duplication of credentials other than by the Wildcard Office is prohibited. Any person who knowingly makes or duplicates University credentials in any manner not authorized by this policy is subject to disciplinary action and/or prosecution in accordance with Utah Code Ann. §63A-5-501, et. seq.

D. Electronic Access Termination

a. Weber State University reserves the right to terminate access at any time the University deems appropriate.

b. Employees: When an employee’s need for electronic access no longer exists (whether as a result of termination of employment, change of department/responsibility, or other reason), it is the responsibility of the employee and/or the employee’s supervisor to notify the appropriate AAM and/or the Facilities Management Key and Lock Shop so electronic access may be terminated.

c. Students: Electronic access must be renewed each semester.

d. Other Personnel: Electronic access will be terminated upon completion of the specified and agreed upon length of time requested on the original building access request form.

e. Access credentials do not need to be returned to Facilities Management upon leaving the University as they have no functionality once access is removed from the central electronic access system.

E. Electronic Access Credential Transfer

a. The transfer of electronic access credentials directly from one person to another is prohibited.

b. Each person who needs access must request his or her own access.

F. Lost, Stolen, or Damaged Credentials

a. Credentials that are lost or stolen must be reported immediately to the AAM and/or Facilities Management so access can be disabled in the central electronic access system.

b. Lost, stolen, or damaged cards may be replaced at the Wildcard Office upon payment of the replacement card fee.

G. Fees

a. Fees for new or replacement Wildcards with electronic access capabilities will be determined by the Wildcard Office.

H. Locks

a. Any repair or replacement of University door locks will be coordinated by the University Locksmith or Building Access Manager. Any repair or replacement undertaken by an outside contractor must have the prior approval of the Building Access Manager.

b. All changes will follow the University construction standards available from Facilities Management.

I. Appeals

a. Individuals denied electronic access by the approving authority may submit an appeal.

b. Appeals must be filed per Facilities Management Access Request Guidelines within 30 business days of the decision.

c. A form is available on the Facilities Management website to start the appeals process.

d. An Appeals Officer will review the case and issue a decision within 30 business days. The Appeals Officer may conduct a hearing, convene a larger committee to review the issue, and has the authority to adjust fees and/or deposit amounts. Decisions made by the Appeals Officer will be in writing, with copies provided to the individual making the appeal and the Key and Lock Shop. Decisions made by the Appeals Officer are final.

J. Audit Trail Reports

a. Written requests for audit trail reports may be submitted via e-mail to the Facilities Management Key and Lock Shop.

b. The following people may request audit trail reports:

i. University President

ii. Vice Presidents

iii. Deans

iv. Department Heads or equivalent

v. Weber State University Police Officers

c. Audit trail reports may be viewed only for official purposes.