Seating Policy, Basketball and Football

No. 6-18     Rev. 05-11-04       Date 9-5-79       



Weber State University students may attend campus sponsored sporting activities free of charge or at reduced admission rates.  Students attending such events may be given specific seating.  Cost, if any, and seating may be determined by the event sponsor.


A. The intent of the policy is to provide safe and adequate seating for students, student pep organizations, pep band, cheerleaders, dancers, etc.  The policy also provides seating for members of the faculty, staff, boosters, athletic department, donors, alumni, board of regents, press, VIP's, and the general public.

B. The policy relative to the assignment of seating for basketball and football shall be recommended by the University Athletic Board upon review and agreement of the 日本一级片SA student body president, athletic director, and president of the university or his/her designee.

C.  Review of the seating arrangements shall be made annually.  The annual review and the renegotiation, if required, shall be made no later than May 31 of each year.

For detail please see: