Student Fee Philosophy
No. 6-8 | Rev. 03-19-19 | Date 4-20-77 |
A. PPM 5-5, Tuition, Student Fees and Course Fees
B. PPM 6-17, Recording Fee
C. PPM 6-22, Student Code
D. Utah Code Ann. §§;
E. , General Student Fees
A. Organization
1. Student fees are mandatory monies collected from all students in addition to tuition. Under the Utah State Board of Higher Education General Student Fees policy, all general student fees are subject to Board of Higher Education approval.
2. A "Student Fee Recommendation Committee" shall make recommendations about the level and distribution of student fees and the designation of services and activities to receive student fee support. These recommendations are subject to the approval of the Weber State University Student Association ("日本一级片SA") President, the 日本一级片 President, and the Board of Trustees. This committee will be co-chaired by the Vice President for Student Affairs and the 日本一级片SA President. This committee will include currently enrolled students. Additional members of the committee are selected as outlined in the Student Fee Recommendation Committee policies and procedures.
3. Specific committee policies and procedures may be obtained from the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
1. The object of student fees is to provide support for: (1) student services and activities, (2) approved capital construction and major renovations, and (3) programs determined to be essential for the enrichment and broadening of opportunities within the university and the surrounding community.
2. Student fee funding will be directed to designated student-oriented activities which, by state or university policy, can be financed only partially, if at all, from state appropriations, tuition, or other funds available to the university. Areas supported by student fees should attempt to generate revenue or additional funding to supplement budgets.
3. Areas funded by students fees must demonstrate that programs (a) benefit students, (b) benefit overall community, (c) enhance the image of 日本一级片, (d) provide opportunities for students to develop new skills, competencies, or appreciations not available elsewhere in the university, or (e) provide quality services necessary on campus. Expenditures of student fees will be in compliance with applicable federal, state, and university rules, regulations, laws, policies, and procedures.
4. The creation of new student fees shall be supported by a demonstrated need, clear statement describing the fee request, and a sound budgetary plan.
5. The Student Fee Recommendation Committee shall periodically monitor and annually review student fees. Processes and discussions should focus primarily on, but not be limited to, the adequacy of the fee in accomplishing the stated objective.
6. Fee amounts may be increased or decreased as necessary to adequately accomplish the stated objective. Changes resulting from a fee increase shall be supported with adequate documentation describing the rationale for the increase and the planned uses of the additional fee revenue.
7. The Student Fee Recommendation Committee may require an annual report from each student fee program manager.
C. Allocation Criteria:
The following criteria will be used by the Student Fee Recommendation Committee in determining the distribution of student fee monies. A program or activity is not expected to meet all criteria.
1. Student Benefit
a. Subject to fiscal realities and regulations, decisions will be based on the ultimate principle that the recommendations contribute to the general welfare of the student body.
b. Student involvement and representation in the student fee determination and allocation process is appropriate and necessary. Areas funded by student fees are encouraged to include students in the budget development process for that area.
c. Serious consideration will be given to programs (a) relating to the academic interests and/or needs of students; (b) supporting educational, social, recreational, and cultural needs of students; and/or (c) enhancing student health or welfare.
d. Relevance of the organization or activity to any or all of the following: (a) the university educational mission, (b) social issues, (c) human needs, and/or (d) community concerns will be considered.
e. Consideration will be given to providing initial funding for the encouragement of new, worthwhile programs.
2. Fiscal
a. All entities receiving funding from student fees will be asked to develop alternative funding sources (i.e., revenue, grants, etc.). Without seriously reducing program effectiveness, all fee recipient areas are encouraged to become self- supporting to the extent of covering operational expenses, allocated overhead, and long-range refurbishment.
b. Fee account fund balances should be minimal or, in cases where fund balances are accumulating, be supported by a plan for use of the funding.
c. Programs or projects with long-term cost implications will be evaluated for current and future costs and benefits.
d. In evaluating budget proposals, the history of an organization's adherence to past budgets, availability of accurate accounting records or expenses, and cost effectiveness of past programs will be considered.
e. Needs analyses, implementation strategies, promotional plans, and/or program effectiveness evaluations will be requested as support material with budget requests.
f. Initiation, continuation, expansion, and termination of a service or activity will be justified by projected student interest and/or current student participation figures.
3. Capital Expenditures
Consideration for capital expenditures will follow the same guidelines listed above for operating expenditures with the additional points:
a. No consideration will be given to funding requests for capital expenditures outside of Student Affairs and/or fee recipient areas.
b. All capital construction, major renovation, or remodeling projects in fee recipient areas which will (a) significantly alter current function, (b) have costs greater than $10,000, or (c) carry long-term operational cost implications must be evaluated by the allocation committee.
4. Restrictions
a. Funding will not normally be provided for direct instructional costs.
b. No funding may be allocated to any political party, partisan cause, sect, or religious denomination. Related student clubs and organizations will be evaluated under student clubs and organizations criteria.
c. Funding will not be allocated directly to instructional based clubs and organizations. The Student Fee Recommendation Committee, based on availability of funds will provide 日本一级片SA with a pool of money that can be used for the special needs of these organizations. Allocations will be made by a 日本一级片SA committee. Currently funded groups will be grand fathered and continue to be considered for funding.
d. Direct benefits to individuals (i.e., salaries, board and room, etc.) will not be funded unless their services are essential to a program which is funded by student fees.
e. No state, federal, or local laws or policies shall be violated. Requests must conform to all Weber State University Student Association Bylaws and Policies and be in accord with university, Board of Trustees, and State Board of Higher Education policies.
All funding decisions shall be viewpoint neutral. This means that the committee cannot favor or disfavor a group based on the group's position on one side or another of a speech issue. A group or individual aggrieved by a funding decisions alleging that it was not a viewpoint neutral decision may ask for a review on that basis within five calendar days of the notification of the decision. Such group or individual shall submit the request outlining the basis for it in writing to University Due Process Officer, who shall send it to the Student Code Petition Committee to be handled as an administrative issue under PPM 6-22, Student Code. A decision shall be made within 10 calendar days of the receipt of the request.