Fee Structure for the use of University Facilities and Services by 日本一级片 Students

No. 6-9.     Rev. 9-8-98.       Date 4-20-77       






At the present time, students enrolled in credit-bearing classes at Weber State University receive one of two receipt cards. Full-time students--12 credit hours or more--who are required to pay full tuition and fees, receive an activity card validation which entitles them to full use of university facilities and services and to free admission or reduced rates for university athletic events, Weber State theatre, lectures and convocations, and other programs which receive support from student activity fees. Part-time students--11 credit hours or less--who pay prorated tuition and fees, depending on the number of credit hours for which they register, receive a fee receipt which identifies them as a "special student" and entitles them to the use of selected university facilities and services; such as, the library, union building, gym, and free admission to selected convocations and lectures. The special student who enrolls for only one credit hour per semester must pay a nominal fee established annually in order to register and obtain his/her fee receipt validation.

The above policy is clear for those students who register in regular on-going, credit-bearing programs. The policy makes no provision, however, for the use of university facilities and services by those students who enroll in Continuing Education workshops, noncredit courses, CEU classes, or special programs offered through grants and sponsored projects by outside agencies. In order to make Weber State University facilities and services available to all Weber State University students, the following policy and fee assessment is adopted.

Use of the Stewart Library

Any bona fide student enrolled in a Weber State University class or program, credit or noncredit, on-campus or off-campus, shall be entitled to the services and use of the Stewart Library by simply identifying himself/herself as a Weber State University student. A student who does not possess a student identity card may identify himself/herself as a Weber State student by displaying a fee receipt card or a pink receipt form provided to students who enroll in workshops or noncredit courses offered through Continuing Education. A student enrolled in a special program sponsored by an outside agency through a grant or project and who has not received a formal receipt form may be identified as a student of the university by the instructor of the program. Library personnel will honor any of the above means of identification and will issue the student a special permit allowing full library privileges.

Option to Purchase "Special Student" Sticker

A properly identified student enrolled in an on-campus noncredit or special program who has not paid activity fees and who would like to enjoy the use of university facilities and services beyond those of the Stewart Library may purchase a validation sticker at the Cashier's Office for a fee that will be established by the University. This validation will identify him/her as a "special student" and will entitle him/her to the use of additional university facilities, such as the union building and the gym, and to free admissions for selected convocations and lectures.

Option to Purchase an Activity Card Validation

A properly identified student enrolled in an on-campus noncredit or special program who has not paid activity fees but would like to use university facilities and services beyond those of the Stewart Library, and who would also like admission to university functions for which full-time students are eligible may purchase an activity card validation for an established fee. The fee will be less if the student has already purchased a "special student" validation described in item B above. This activity card validation will entitle the student to the use of all university facilities and services and to free admission or reduced rates for university athletic events, Weber State Theatre, lectures and convocations, and other programs which receive support from student activity fees.

Students to be Informed of Fee Structure

All students will be informed of their privileges and options regarding university facilities and services at the time they register in workshops, noncredit courses, or special programs. Outside agencies which support students in special programs through sponsored projects will be informed of the Weber State University policy and fee schedule for the utilization of university facilities and services by special students at the time the proposal is written and will include appropriate fees as a part of the proposal budget.