PPM 8-20, Action by the Provost and President

Responsible Office: Provost


This policy describes the responsibilities of the Provost in the rank and tenure review processes, as well as the role of the President.


2.1 PPM 8-12, Dated Guidelines for the Ranking Tenure Review Process
2.2 PPM 9-17, Termination of Non-Tenured Faculty and Appeal of Tenure Denial Decision


3.1. Candidates for Advancement in Rank

3.1.1 The Provost shall review the file of all candidates for advancement in rank for whom there is a discrepancy among the recommendations of any of the Department Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, the College Ranking Tenure Evaluation Committee, and the Dean. At their sole discretion, they may review other candidates either in response to a petition or on their own initiative. The Provost, or the dean when there is no review conducted by the Provost, generally conducts and makes the final substantive review and recommendation. For those candidates they review, the Provost shall forward a copy of the recommendation for advancement in rank to the candidate and the President along with a summary statement of supporting findings and reasons, and notice of their right under section 3.1.2. 

3.1.2 Upon receipt of the recommendation, the faculty member may avail themselves of a review of the recommendation by the Faculty Board of Review in accordance with PPM 9-17, within the time frames established under PPM 8-12.

3.1.3 The names of faculty members receiving positive recommendations concerning advancement in rank shall be forwarded to the President. Upon receipt of the recommendation, the President may make any reviews the President deems appropriate. The decision of the President is final. 

3.2  Candidates in the Final Probationary Year of Tenure

3.2.1 As with advancement in rank, the Provost shall review those candidates for which there is a discrepancy in the recommendations and may selectively review others. In those cases where the Provost reviews, the Provost shall forward a copy of the recommendations for the awarding or denying of tenure to the President and the faculty member concerned as the recommendation is made, along with a summary statement of supporting findings and reasons, and notice of the faculty member’s right under section 3.2.2. The Provost, or the dean when there is no review conducted by the Provost, generally conducts and makes the final substantive review and recommendation. In making tenure reviews, the Provost shall review and evaluate the candidate's materials based on the tenure documents of the candidate's college. 

3.2.2 Upon receipt of the recommendation, the faculty member may avail themselves of a review of the recommendation by the Faculty Board of Review in accordance with PPM 9-17, within the time frames established under PPM 8-12.

3.2.3 Upon receipt of the recommendation, the President may make any reviews the President deems appropriate. The President shall consult with the Board of Trustees before the President approves an award of tenure. The decision of the President is final. 

3.3 Candidates in Other Probationary Years of Tenure
In the third or other specially requested interim years' evaluations, the Provost will only be made aware of the candidates' status of progress toward achieving tenure but shall not act unless the Provost grants a petition for review by the candidate or undertakes such review on their own initiative.

Revision History  
Creation Date: 5-13-81
Amended: 1-19-05; 5-22-24; 9-19-24